Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Please feel free to profile me anyway you would like, but my option is still right!
Regardless how you think about my option, the option is sound!
Sound on every level, that has to do with you.
Google search my option from any place on this Earth, and it is still right!
Some say that God does not make mistakes, but the math is not there, if we are the image of God.
We all know that it is normal to make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them, regardless if you can comperhind the importance, at that time.
My option is one of those type of times!
My option depends on humans to help out the dead!
Yes, that is right, regardless what you might think. Afterlife orbs can not build BrainGate type of machines.
They need your help!
They do make thought, and thought can now be measured.
Am I wrong to provide you with a better option than you can understand now?
I believe the time is right!
Get this economy moving again, by putting me to work!
Allow me the chance!
What would it hurt?
Please feel free to hold me accountable.
I'm ready!
Are you?
Do you have a better plan for eternal love, than the option I am providing?
Anybody curious, just in case I am right!
All thoughts lead my way, at some point in your life!
Some might be the grim reaper in suggestion, but not I!
I give you a free afterlife communication back up plan!
Who is ready to sign up?
Would you like a free ticket?
Would you like a easy job, that pays lots of money?
Would you like to have more time, and more money, at the same time?
I'm giving you everything but the kitchen sink!
This truly has to be a good deal for the both of us!
The scope of everything that will change, as a result of my option, is really quite simple!
It is time to raise the American flag for my option!
Give afterlife Orbs rights!
It is time to stretch, and grow!
For God sake, who is waiting as well, for his chance, to use this type of device as well, must first wait on our one mistake!
They use to call Cleaveland, the mistake by the lake, but when it comes to my option, it covers the whole planet.
Don't buy into old belief's, break free to make decissions on your own. What ever you are waiting on, well, it is here!
Dayton, Ohio takes avaition to all new heights!
I understand that you are busy, and flighting on my option is easy, but is it really, if I am right, and you would like to use my service some time.
I can not do it alone from the afterlife.
Who could!
There is so much information in this topic, if you are one of those people, or knows those type of people, that are into this type of stuff, then please inform them about this option.
Most people I come across, just wants to know where they have to go, to sign up.
I say go to Clark Howard!
If you are interested in my option, then by all means, ask radio talk host Clark Howard, if I am a good investment or not, for people like you.
Am i a good investment for our economy?
Am I a good investment for our security?
Am I a good investment for just about everything!
Please, by all means ask him!
Do it, before I do!
Let him know I am comming!
Should he be worried?
Not by me!
What about you?
What about Clark Howard?
How clean is his closet?
Is it better than Ted Kennedy?
I would imagine most people's closet are better than Ted Kennedy's.
What is the down side to my option?
Sure it is different, but we really do need this different.
We really do!
What would it hurt again, and again, until we all get along, in one way, or another.
Why can't we all just enjoy the ride?
What would it hurt?
I change thought, do you?
At some point in your life, you have to take a moment, and compare your experience, with my option.
Let's role play that option:
"""""""What if Tim Brewer is right, deadly right?;;;;;;;;;;;I do not know when my time will come, but I am getting older every second, and it does make you think about getting old, and dying. First it was health care, and then it is this afterlife communication option. I know most of the time, it is nothing to blow off his option, but in reality, I would imagine, we really do need to bring awareness to it, in one way or another. Tim Brewer is willing to sacerfise his normal lifestyle, to finding the truth, are you?
Are you willing to support him in this effort?
I think we should.
He's right, what would it hurt?
As good as Dr. Martin Luther King was in his dream, did not go into detail, with afterlife communication options.
Yes, the dream goes beyond his expectations at the time, but that is where we are now at, as a society, so by still trying to imagine that I am debating this Tim Brewer guy, it is quite simple to see, that there is a lot of different paradigms for this option, and that in it self, will help the economy alone.
What is the first thing will happen, after we communicate with the dead?
Your life span just got bigger!
This one fact, will give you more value, and the world as well.
Yes, there is another side, but to do it right, we have to focus on it, in ways that can only be done, with machines like BrainGate.
Am i crazy?
Crazy for what?
Making your world a better place?
I'm the best thing, you could ever hope for!
Don't believe me, then prove me wrong.
Now if by chance, you have to try real hard to prove me wrong, then why waste the time, when i could prove me right today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is something to be proud of!!!
Please feel free to contact Allen Hunt, and see if he sees anything wrong with my option.
Please feel free to inform 700WLW,,.. CNN, HLN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX REport, fox channel, glenn
Beck, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, Donald trump, Patrick swayze, or anybody you would like.
Look around, I am here.
You are here, and there is a good chance, that we will be around for a long time.
What to pack?
At this time in history, braingate is not for sell.
We need to sell it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sell BrainGate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!Call MTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask Stephen Hawkins what he thinks of machines like BrainGate!
So many questions, and no media to be found!
Music time!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you,
but until you take the time,
to make up tim's mind,
no diamonds for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I am right, and I truly bave not figured it out your self by now, then we should explore my option, not because I got a book comming out, because I don't, b ut the fact that there is a lot of facts, that head toward my truman world, of interacting with afterlife orbs.
We live in a bubble now, where science don't rule out my option, and 60% of you believe that there is some type of afterlife.
So regardless what direction I ramble, as i try, and keep some type of entertainment in the topic, but for some reason, even though that percentage of support for afterlife possibilities, have never been explored, like I am informing you about, right now.
This option, is supported by you, then it will be supported everybody else as well.
80% would easily be a number one answer for family fued.
If you believe it is there, then we need to support it!
There is nothing to it, or is there?
I know my near death out of body experience was real.
I know that!
What would change that, after I die?
You are inside to a I-Max option, that is second to no other experience.
No amusement park could ever build a machine that could do it justice.
Believe it or not, but afterlife orbs have needs.
These needs will fix the world economy.
Think of afterlife orbs like customers.
I know the afterlife orbs would like the chance to treat you like customers as well, or even family, if you are up for that.
Are you up, like the blind man, who died, and got a chance, as an afterlife orb, to see his son play sports for the first time.
Please, allow afterlife their follow through!
If it is true of pie, that what comes around, goes around, then it would only make sense to include my optiom in the string theory of everything.
I ask again, what would it hurt?????????????????????????????????
I get so bored, how about you?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Invisible energy touches everything.
It touches the aura around you.
It touches your vision.
It touches your movement.
It touches you from the outside in.
Only you can touch it from the inside out.
Regardless how old you are, or how old you get. Your inner energy never feels old.
Think about this for a moment.
If I died today, then my inner thoughts were not able to keep me out of pain, and into pleasure.
It would seam that this would be the case, but it is not.
Your inner thoughts take you out of your human pain body, and places you in clear space.
650 million people will have a near death experience at some point in their life.
It will come unexpected everytime to that person, but the action plan will be carried out by their inner thoughts, preparing to take them out of pain, and into pleasure.
Sure being an afterlife Orb, is different than being a human, but it is still real just the same.
I wonder if Senator Ted Kennedy would support my free afterlife communication option now?
I understand why he would not want it while he was alive, but what about now?
How many different icons must go to afterlife orb heaven, before we try my free afterlife communication option?
Energy can not be destroyed!
You live in energy!
You would not last one day on your own, taking care of your body with out your inner thoughts.
Your inner energy covers it all, and depending on how you understand it, can make all the difference in the world.
Government believes it is in your best interest to be controlled.
I believe before you become a Government, you need to grow!
They expect the worst, and we do it!
I welcome the chance to interact with Allen Hunt.
As far as I know, my option is not hollow.
I speak what is right, and I also speak how we are doing it all wrong.
I provide you a chance to interact with your founding fathers, in a way that can be measured.
What is right about my option, is the fact that it is natural.
It will be natural for people to take the calls of the afterlife people, and the call centers will need a lot of people, depending on when you want to do the second tear of this option.
Some say, where do I sign up, and why not?
There is no magic, smoke, or tainted mirrors.
This option has nothing to do with me.
I provide my plan, and it is very easy to do.
How easy?
We could do it today!
Like it or not, but one of the worlds greatest talk show host, Larry King is not getting any younger.
Paul Harvey needs a chance to tell us the rest of the story!
Sure you are lead to believe that we harnest energy, and everything possible, has alreadey been invented, and yes this option is no different.
One of the worlds greatest inventors believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
That statement from him, takes this option out of my hands, when it comes to credibility.
Regardless what you think of me, at any given time in your life. I am a at will!
I offer my afterlife planner services, at will!
I take full responsibility for my action, that are based on my inner thoughts, taking me out of pain, and into pleasure.
Learning to say "no" to a lot of different things pleasurable things, to help this topic grow.
Why not let this topic grow?
I believe it will be in our best interest, based on internal thoughts, that are associated with this option to begin with.
We can drag out this option as long as you like, based on what ever you have hidden in your closet, but buiding a foundation for this option now, is really in our best interest later, or now!
It's now time for God, if you are willing to believe, that there is one.
Do you believe he is set in his ways, or he has mellowed out over time?
My name is Tim Brewer, and I have opened this door, to this option in my thoughts.
My option is in our nations best interest, home, and abroad.
It ends wars!
It ends conflicts!
It ends drama!
Not all of it, but the kind of stuff that hurts humans.
I can continue to type a message about this option, as long as you like, but for you to enjoy this option, regardless the big picture politics, is a good deal, for all parties concern.
..."If anything, do it for Senator Ted Kennedy"..
Do it for Michael Jackson!
Do it for the average 250,000 that die everyday on average.
I offer my life for this cause, and I truly believe it is a good one.
Once again, from the heartland of Ohio!
I'm sorry that I am not the best at explaining this option yet, but I was hoping that the Allen Hunt show could add me on, and give me a chance to interact with my new mentor, if he will have me. Allen Hunt, and we can move my option forward, in a way that can be measured better than the way I am doing it right now.
I am not right, or left with this option, it has never been about that, it is having an experience, in that experience, and informing you, about our highest percentage for reaching that goal, based on all types of facts, that leaves a window open, for my option.
Do not worry about the experiment it self, because that can all be explained, through a visual training class with me, as I walk you through it, during a hopeful field trip to Boston, Mass.
I understand that every section of my option, is hard to take in, but think of it this way.
I have the whole afterlife Orb afterlife on my shoulders, and they want to flip their magnetic field our direction, with our thoughts, and until we give them something to hope for, we all have nothing.
they say that 60% of what comes out of our mouth is negative, so our personal thoughts, must be at least 60% negative.
It must be us, and not our inner thoughts, because if we cut our self, our inner thoughts, fix the whole problem, from all directions, and covers it up, almost as good as the invisible force, that is all around you.
I do not make this stuff up!
Thank goodness, that afterlife orbs are not very heavy.
I have no problem being a spokes person for them, but why not interact with them as well?
Why bring me into something, that I do not want to be a part.
I do not want to be a medium Lisa Williams.
I try and make it a point not to be negative, but I can do it, as natural as anybody else, if conditions are right.
I swing positive, b ecause that is what your internal thoughts do!
Am I a perfect positive?
No, never claimed to be.
I am learning through life, like everybody else, regardless what they can comperhind, at this time.
I bring attention to my self, because it is in the best interest for you!
We do not have to start my option for so many years, allowing you the chance to go to your percieved afterlife option, but also giving you the chance, when we do decide to make it global.
Planes, trains, automobiles, and afterlife communication option from Tim Brewer
Please inform everybody you come into contact about me, as I wait for Allen Hunt reply.
I'm sorry that I have not posted that much lately, but I have been analyzing Keno, and Ohio Ten O'h
I love to analyze, and I do not like to be bored.
I would imagine, if i do not like, or like anything, that there are others, just like me, and if I a right, about my option, then your life will be better!
For better, or for worst, through out eterinity.
I did not go to harvard, or Hale, I was the kid in first grade, who raised his hand first, with every answer, until I got bored.
I'm a nerd, when I need to be a nerd, and I am natural, when I need to be natural.
I have trained my crew to run my fast food location, when you are ready to find out more about me.
I had no control coming into this world, and I will have no control leaving it, any different than when I had my near death experience.
If everything happens for a reason, then you need to explore my information.
Please feel free to inform Allen Hunt about me, and get the run down, from an expert in that field.
My option is good for any religion.
The big brother who gets this option first, will decide your fate.
Hide as long as you like, but you have been warned!
The year 2012 is gettin closer everyday, and my option is the best for the media worst case senario for that year.
Imagine with your 60% negative thoughts, the worst case scenario for the year 2012, and my option will be better!
Regardless what you perceive to be good, and my option is better!
In the big picture of educated communication, we all years behind to afterlife communication.
Astottle, only had educated afterlife, for his time, for where he was at, at that time.
The afterlife we have floating around us now, was all over that image on the front of Time Magazine, for person of the year!
Some feel I provide faith, and at times i do, but in the big picture, my option is a constance!
Regardless what direction you take iot, based on what you percieve, and my option is all over it!
This simple to do experiment, is doing the right thing!
It is right for America!
It is right thing to do.
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore your self?
You are better than that, regardless where you are at!
Some feel bad, because they had an abortion.
I will be the first to say, that this option should only happen rarely, for what ever reason that might be, but in the big picture, everything worked out as good as could be expected, for that time in your life, with what you had to work with.
Am I George Burns, from "Oh God"?
Imagine what ever you can comperhind, but i must blunt, to save time with this information, and I try, and stretch my thoughts, with this option, when it comes to get you acting on this option.
I find it hard to believe, that I am alone on this free, no ob ligation, safe, as can be expected, for the situation.
Am I the only one who sees the right way justice, of allowing afterlife orbs the chance to communicate, just like you enjoy doing everyday, regardless if you gave your internal thoughts, the time of day.
As Senator Ted Kennidy would say
"There is nothing to it!"
"I offer something to it!"
Tim Brewer
Townhall time again!!!
I really find it hard to believe, that I am the only person, wh
Invisible energy touches everything.
It touches the aura around you.
It touches your vision.
It touches your movement.
It touches you from the outside in.
Only you can touch it from the inside out.
Regardless how old you are, or how old you get. Your inner energy never feels old.
Think about this for a moment.
If I died today, then my inner thoughts were not able to keep me out of pain, and into pleasure.
It would seam that this would be the case, but it is not.
Your inner thoughts take you out of your human pain body, and places you in clear space.
650 million people will have a near death experience at some point in their life.
It will come unexpected everytime to that person, but the action plan will be carried out by their inner thoughts, preparing to take them out of pain, and into pleasure.
Sure being an afterlife Orb, is different than being a human, but it is still real just the same.
I wonder if Senator Ted Kennedy would support my free afterlife communication option now?
I understand why he would not want it while he was alive, but what about now?
How many different icons must go to afterlife orb heaven, before we try my free afterlife communication option?
Energy can not be destroyed!
You live in energy!
You would not last one day on your own, taking care of your body with out your inner thoughts.
Your inner energy covers it all, and depending on how you understand it, can make all the difference in the world.
Government believes it is in your best interest to be controlled.
I believe before you become a Government, you need to grow!
They expect the worst, and we do it!
I welcome the chance to interact with Allen Hunt.
As far as I know, my option is not hollow.
I speak what is right, and I also speak how we are doing it all wrong.
I provide you a chance to interact with your founding fathers, in a way that can be measured.
What is right about my option, is the fact that it is natural.
It will be natural for people to take the calls of the afterlife people, and the call centers will need a lot of people, depending on when you want to do the second tear of this option.
Some say, where do I sign up, and why not?
There is no magic, smoke, or tainted mirrors.
This option has nothing to do with me.
I provide my plan, and it is very easy to do.
How easy?
We could do it today!
Like it or not, but one of the worlds greatest talk show host, Larry King is not getting any younger.
Paul Harvey needs a chance to tell us the rest of the story!
Sure you are lead to believe that we harnest energy, and everything possible, has alreadey been invented, and yes this option is no different.
One of the worlds greatest inventors believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
That statement from him, takes this option out of my hands, when it comes to credibility.
Regardless what you think of me, at any given time in your life. I am a at will!
I offer my afterlife planner services, at will!
I take full responsibility for my action, that are based on my inner thoughts, taking me out of pain, and into pleasure.
Learning to say "no" to a lot of different things pleasurable things, to help this topic grow.
Why not let this topic grow?
I believe it will be in our best interest, based on internal thoughts, that are associated with this option to begin with.
We can drag out this option as long as you like, based on what ever you have hidden in your closet, but buiding a foundation for this option now, is really in our best interest later, or now!
It's now time for God, if you are willing to believe, that there is one.
Do you believe he is set in his ways, or he has mellowed out over time?
My name is Tim Brewer, and I have opened this door, to this option in my thoughts.
My option is in our nations best interest, home, and abroad.
It ends wars!
It ends conflicts!
It ends drama!
Not all of it, but the kind of stuff that hurts humans.
I can continue to type a message about this option, as long as you like, but for you to enjoy this option, regardless the big picture politics, is a good deal, for all parties concern.
..."If anything, do it for Senator Ted Kennedy"..
Do it for Michael Jackson!
Do it for the average 250,000 that die everyday on average.
I offer my life for this cause, and I truly believe it is a good one.
Once again, from the heartland of Ohio!
I'm sorry that I am not the best at explaining this option yet, but I was hoping that the Allen Hunt show could add me on, and give me a chance to interact with my new mentor, if he will have me. Allen Hunt, and we can move my option forward, in a way that can be measured better than the way I am doing it right now.
I am not right, or left with this option, it has never been about that, it is having an experience, in that experience, and informing you, about our highest percentage for reaching that goal, based on all types of facts, that leaves a window open, for my option.
Do not worry about the experiment it self, because that can all be explained, through a visual training class with me, as I walk you through it, during a hopeful field trip to Boston, Mass.
I understand that every section of my option, is hard to take in, but think of it this way.
I have the whole afterlife Orb afterlife on my shoulders, and they want to flip their magnetic field our direction, with our thoughts, and until we give them something to hope for, we all have nothing.
they say that 60% of what comes out of our mouth is negative, so our personal thoughts, must be at least 60% negative.
It must be us, and not our inner thoughts, because if we cut our self, our inner thoughts, fix the whole problem, from all directions, and covers it up, almost as good as the invisible force, that is all around you.
I do not make this stuff up!
Thank goodness, that afterlife orbs are not very heavy.
I have no problem being a spokes person for them, but why not interact with them as well?
Why bring me into something, that I do not want to be a part.
I do not want to be a medium Lisa Williams.
I try and make it a point not to be negative, but I can do it, as natural as anybody else, if conditions are right.
I swing positive, b ecause that is what your internal thoughts do!
Am I a perfect positive?
No, never claimed to be.
I am learning through life, like everybody else, regardless what they can comperhind, at this time.
I bring attention to my self, because it is in the best interest for you!
We do not have to start my option for so many years, allowing you the chance to go to your percieved afterlife option, but also giving you the chance, when we do decide to make it global.
Planes, trains, automobiles, and afterlife communication option from Tim Brewer
Please inform everybody you come into contact about me, as I wait for Allen Hunt reply.
I'm sorry that I have not posted that much lately, but I have been analyzing Keno, and Ohio Ten O'h
I love to analyze, and I do not like to be bored.
I would imagine, if i do not like, or like anything, that there are others, just like me, and if I a right, about my option, then your life will be better!
For better, or for worst, through out eterinity.
I did not go to harvard, or Hale, I was the kid in first grade, who raised his hand first, with every answer, until I got bored.
I'm a nerd, when I need to be a nerd, and I am natural, when I need to be natural.
I have trained my crew to run my fast food location, when you are ready to find out more about me.
I had no control coming into this world, and I will have no control leaving it, any different than when I had my near death experience.
If everything happens for a reason, then you need to explore my information.
Please feel free to inform Allen Hunt about me, and get the run down, from an expert in that field.
My option is good for any religion.
The big brother who gets this option first, will decide your fate.
Hide as long as you like, but you have been warned!
The year 2012 is gettin closer everyday, and my option is the best for the media worst case senario for that year.
Imagine with your 60% negative thoughts, the worst case scenario for the year 2012, and my option will be better!
Regardless what you perceive to be good, and my option is better!
In the big picture of educated communication, we all years behind to afterlife communication.
Astottle, only had educated afterlife, for his time, for where he was at, at that time.
The afterlife we have floating around us now, was all over that image on the front of Time Magazine, for person of the year!
Some feel I provide faith, and at times i do, but in the big picture, my option is a constance!
Regardless what direction you take iot, based on what you percieve, and my option is all over it!
This simple to do experiment, is doing the right thing!
It is right for America!
It is right thing to do.
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore your self?
You are better than that, regardless where you are at!
Some feel bad, because they had an abortion.
I will be the first to say, that this option should only happen rarely, for what ever reason that might be, but in the big picture, everything worked out as good as could be expected, for that time in your life, with what you had to work with.
Am I George Burns, from "Oh God"?
Imagine what ever you can comperhind, but i must blunt, to save time with this information, and I try, and stretch my thoughts, with this option, when it comes to get you acting on this option.
I find it hard to believe, that I am alone on this free, no ob ligation, safe, as can be expected, for the situation.
Am I the only one who sees the right way justice, of allowing afterlife orbs the chance to communicate, just like you enjoy doing everyday, regardless if you gave your internal thoughts, the time of day.
As Senator Ted Kennidy would say
"There is nothing to it!"
"I offer something to it!"
Tim Brewer
Townhall time again!!!
I really find it hard to believe, that I am the only person, wh
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Free afterlife communication back up plan
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Hello, anybody out there have a better afterlife communication option, than I do?
Can they do it for free?
Hello, anybody out there have a better afterlife communication option, than I do?
Can they do it for free?
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Right direction, wrong direction!
Regardless what direction you go in life, there will surely be a right direction, wrong direction, on so many different levels.
I believe one of my right directions, can help you right n ow, on so many different levels.
I welcome all personalities, to my internal thoughts.
Sure the rat race, of the day is long, and it always feel good to just relax, and n ot have a care in the world, but other times you should.
The media talks about the worst case scenario for 2012, and I believe I know how we can turn that negative into a positive, on so many different right; direction levels.
There is no down side to my option.
Please feel free to prove me wrong!
Just don't take so long!
My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free afterlife planner.
One of my Great Aunts died, and her funeral is tomorrow.
What afterlife communications does she have?
The best she could hope for, is if Tim Brewer get's noticed!
It is the best at this time, any of you could hope for!
If President Obama truly care about his recent Grand Mother death; as he has commited about, in the media.
He should take me up on my free idea concept option!
Imagine for a moment, if the Wright Brothers could explain where flight would be a hundred years in the future, way back when.
I believe I can provide some of that with my option.
Do you like to grow, or be controlled?
How about a balance of both?
I do not provide Big Brother, but your Brother, mother, father, Popes, Policeman, medical people, union, and non-union workers, volinteers, social workers, people that watch American Idol. or any other reality show.
Quick review:
My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife positive planner!
On the surface, I seam crazy, but the truth is, I am not!
I dare you make somebody else decide!
Please feel free, and try, and put me away, for trying to make your life better!
Townhall this blog!
Townhall this blog to be true!
Townhall what ever floats, your boat, but leaving out my option is a mistake!
My grass root option, goes deeper than me cutting my own grass!
My option is what everybody is talking about at some point in their life!
I now provide you with a new, and exciting Menu board.
The life, and afterlife option!
Do what ever you feel makes you happy, and just as long as it don't hurt you, or anybody else, then that could be an option with my free afterlife communication option!
Why look for the needle in the haystack, when we can bring the needle to the haystack!
Have you evered gambeled before, but you did not win?
Believe it, or not, but somebody did!
Would you say, that you are lucky 30% of the time?
Maybe you are one of those people, who do not like, or believe in gambling, for what ever reason you believe.
You go girl, and believe what ever you would like!
I believe you have the ability to be lucky 100% of the time, at least with one option, and that is mine.
My option is closer than some of you can imagine at this time, and that is fine, because my option will start like boring science likes to do anything, but as I said before, we do not have a lot of time, if we are to believe the media worst case scenario for 2012!
Quick review!
Time plays a big role with my oiption, regardless how you comperhind the option right now, or not!
Yes, it is true, that I love watching romantic comedies,
Yes it is true, that you have the ability to profile me anyway you like.
I am sorry, for the 250,000 people who die, on average everyday, and I am sorry that my option is not being considered, based on what ever thought process, works for you, at any given time.
Do I have to be perfect?
I just have to be right, by making it happen!
Think what ever way you want to think, but be politically correct!
Right direction, wrong direction!
Regardless what direction you go in life, there will surely be a right direction, wrong direction, on so many different levels.
I believe one of my right directions, can help you right n ow, on so many different levels.
I welcome all personalities, to my internal thoughts.
Sure the rat race, of the day is long, and it always feel good to just relax, and n ot have a care in the world, but other times you should.
The media talks about the worst case scenario for 2012, and I believe I know how we can turn that negative into a positive, on so many different right; direction levels.
There is no down side to my option.
Please feel free to prove me wrong!
Just don't take so long!
My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free afterlife planner.
One of my Great Aunts died, and her funeral is tomorrow.
What afterlife communications does she have?
The best she could hope for, is if Tim Brewer get's noticed!
It is the best at this time, any of you could hope for!
If President Obama truly care about his recent Grand Mother death; as he has commited about, in the media.
He should take me up on my free idea concept option!
Imagine for a moment, if the Wright Brothers could explain where flight would be a hundred years in the future, way back when.
I believe I can provide some of that with my option.
Do you like to grow, or be controlled?
How about a balance of both?
I do not provide Big Brother, but your Brother, mother, father, Popes, Policeman, medical people, union, and non-union workers, volinteers, social workers, people that watch American Idol. or any other reality show.
Quick review:
My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife positive planner!
On the surface, I seam crazy, but the truth is, I am not!
I dare you make somebody else decide!
Please feel free, and try, and put me away, for trying to make your life better!
Townhall this blog!
Townhall this blog to be true!
Townhall what ever floats, your boat, but leaving out my option is a mistake!
My grass root option, goes deeper than me cutting my own grass!
My option is what everybody is talking about at some point in their life!
I now provide you with a new, and exciting Menu board.
The life, and afterlife option!
Do what ever you feel makes you happy, and just as long as it don't hurt you, or anybody else, then that could be an option with my free afterlife communication option!
Why look for the needle in the haystack, when we can bring the needle to the haystack!
Have you evered gambeled before, but you did not win?
Believe it, or not, but somebody did!
Would you say, that you are lucky 30% of the time?
Maybe you are one of those people, who do not like, or believe in gambling, for what ever reason you believe.
You go girl, and believe what ever you would like!
I believe you have the ability to be lucky 100% of the time, at least with one option, and that is mine.
My option is closer than some of you can imagine at this time, and that is fine, because my option will start like boring science likes to do anything, but as I said before, we do not have a lot of time, if we are to believe the media worst case scenario for 2012!
Quick review!
Time plays a big role with my oiption, regardless how you comperhind the option right now, or not!
Yes, it is true, that I love watching romantic comedies,
Yes it is true, that you have the ability to profile me anyway you like.
I am sorry, for the 250,000 people who die, on average everyday, and I am sorry that my option is not being considered, based on what ever thought process, works for you, at any given time.
Do I have to be perfect?
I just have to be right, by making it happen!
Think what ever way you want to think, but be politically correct!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Justifing afterlife communication is possible!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Here is an afterlife communication message to think about.
Either prove me wrong, or help me to make it happen!
Why fight what is naturally right?
Help your internal thoughts; that take you out of pain, and into pleasure?
From the inside out, you rock!
Never forget that!
Here is an afterlife communication message to think about.
Either prove me wrong, or help me to make it happen!
Why fight what is naturally right?
Help your internal thoughts; that take you out of pain, and into pleasure?
From the inside out, you rock!
Never forget that!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A No Brainer!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I'm sorry, if some of you do not understand me yet.
I think in the future, based on open ended follow through thoughts.
Regardless your situation, or mine at this time.
We can do better!
Are you safe with out my option?
If you agree, or not with my last statement. You owe it to your self to get my option noticed, because it can be done, and it can be done now!
Yes, my option is a now thing!
If you live for your kids, then you need me, because I provide you an option, that I do not believe you comperhinded, before I informed you about this one.
Why could i make such a statement, because it is true, based on what options we are providing people now.
Believe it, or not, but there is a lot of people out there, that don't trust any of us crazy people!
In 2005, a machine was used, that has the ability to read your thoughts.
It can only do it, if you let it!
Now the way they are using it now, has no bearing on what future options I will provide, but that is at a halt, unless you believe I am worth trying!
Am I worth trying?
You know what you get with me.
Sure I ramble on all the time, but through that rough, you just might have an unexpected diamond with me.
Remember this:
I am a free icon, not a perfect one!
I have never had the desire to be perfect!
Amber Alert started in Dayton, Ohio.
Looking for the missing human.
Nancy Grace is busy focusing on it everyday!
She does a real good job, with what she has to work with.
I believe my option will give Nancy Grace, a well deserved break!
My option finds everybody, if they want to be found!
Elvis is back!
George Carlin, and everybody else who believes they are politically correct!
I am only one, who you could forget about in the wink of an eye, or an opportunity that has never been explored, like i am offering, if given the chance.
Like it or not, but I will not do it all!
You are quite capable of helping me better, than that guy in Pittsburg, at that L.A. Fitness!
All I ask, is give me a try, because your Government is already paying for it now, and what would it hurt?
I'm sorry, if some of you do not understand me yet.
I think in the future, based on open ended follow through thoughts.
Regardless your situation, or mine at this time.
We can do better!
Are you safe with out my option?
If you agree, or not with my last statement. You owe it to your self to get my option noticed, because it can be done, and it can be done now!
Yes, my option is a now thing!
If you live for your kids, then you need me, because I provide you an option, that I do not believe you comperhinded, before I informed you about this one.
Why could i make such a statement, because it is true, based on what options we are providing people now.
Believe it, or not, but there is a lot of people out there, that don't trust any of us crazy people!
In 2005, a machine was used, that has the ability to read your thoughts.
It can only do it, if you let it!
Now the way they are using it now, has no bearing on what future options I will provide, but that is at a halt, unless you believe I am worth trying!
Am I worth trying?
You know what you get with me.
Sure I ramble on all the time, but through that rough, you just might have an unexpected diamond with me.
Remember this:
I am a free icon, not a perfect one!
I have never had the desire to be perfect!
Amber Alert started in Dayton, Ohio.
Looking for the missing human.
Nancy Grace is busy focusing on it everyday!
She does a real good job, with what she has to work with.
I believe my option will give Nancy Grace, a well deserved break!
My option finds everybody, if they want to be found!
Elvis is back!
George Carlin, and everybody else who believes they are politically correct!
I am only one, who you could forget about in the wink of an eye, or an opportunity that has never been explored, like i am offering, if given the chance.
Like it or not, but I will not do it all!
You are quite capable of helping me better, than that guy in Pittsburg, at that L.A. Fitness!
All I ask, is give me a try, because your Government is already paying for it now, and what would it hurt?
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