Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tim Brewer ... Alert!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Why do I always start out that way?
It kind of reminds me of, "mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is this Tim Brewer guy, who thinks he knows it all?"
Time will tell, if my internal thoughts, do indeed know a lot more, than first expected.
Side Bar:
What am I into, when I am not managing, or focused on this option?
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that.
For some reason, my internal thoughts, are big into politics, like it will be second nature to me, when the time comes.
Am I living out my dream, or am I living out my injternal thoughts?
If I had my choice, I would still be imagining, in my parents old gravel driveway, while I played with my Matchbox, and hotwheel cars.
Who in their right mind, would want to be President?
I do not do it for the power, or a book deal.
I do it, because it will go hand, and hand with other issues, that must be faced in the future!
Do you see the difference, between Star Trek protecting you, and how our country does it?
Mistakes all over the place!
They make more mistakes, than my spelling, and grammar put together!
Anyway, my thought process, under the topic, Tim Brewer will be changing soon.
Some wonder why I asked myself questions from time to time.
Looks like I did it again!
Anyway, it is because nobody else is doing it, in your fair, and balance reporting, everyday!
Maybe everybody just believe i should stick to blogs, because it would be embarresing to inform the media, because they might think you are crazy, or something.
Guess what?
You are, if you let my option die, with the lie you have been told all your life!
Regardless what you think of my thoughts, what you know about my thoughts, or things we have not even thought about, and to profile me in a way, that would surely shhot you in the foot, regardless what place that might be, in your thoughts, but you would still be wrong, because you single handedly said no, to afterlife Orb rights, based on nothing that you have right, about this option right now.
I am sorry, that you can not refresh this topic everyday, as it should, b ecause it would save so much time!
Like it, or not, but I need your support, from time to time, or at least inform me, if I am going the wrong way, but do not stop me!
Stop me, and you stop your self!
Here is the scenario I do not want to see, and that is you finally figuring out that I might be right, and you only wished you would of asked me more questions, before I died!
What is my perceived pain, or perceived pleasure with you?
That depends on you!
What can you handle?
How about the perfect crime?
Unless you use my services, you will never even know, if is happening, before you inplode!
What am I informing you about?
If others, from other groups, or countries, are allowed the chance to do my free experiment first, then they could have the ability to rule the world, and there would not be a single thing we could do to stop it.
Afterlife Orb communication, is an all, or nothing option!
We have seen what the nothing option has gotten us so far!
We now, more than ever, need to stop thinking stupid, in these times, of so many problems, and give my option a shot!
What would it hurt?
Do you ever feel you are doing it all?
Bottom line!
This is a grass root effort on my part, to inform everybody, about other options on the table, just in case you did not already know!
Please feel free to comment, either bad, or good, depending on what right, or wrong direction, I should be going, because all I can do is assume!
Do you want to know more about me growing up?
As long as I am not getting this important media attention, then I have time to talk about anything you like.
Fake Tim question time again!
Is there any part, of your safe, no obligation, free, measurable, afterlife, orb, experiment; that can not be justified doing?
No down side to my option!
Am I sane, or insane?
Test me quickly, and make up your mind.
I am not trying to rush you, to scare you, but seriously speaking.
I do not make this stuff up!
Everything takes it's allotted amount of time, and bring your own tea!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own today!
Tim Brewer, and the lovely Sarah Palin, if she would have me for a few years!
I have no problem working side by side with President Obama right now, if I am allowed to have Sarah Palin right now, as my helper, as
I do this.
Give her what ever name title you want, because I am not into that.
Side bar:
Just a quick internal thought, as I ramble on.
Sorry, lost it!
Who would have a problem with us all running the White house for a while?
Don't they have enough room for all of us there?
Sarah gets a room, with her husband, and I get one with my wife.
I have no problem doing the graveyard shift, while the rest of them sleep.
I once made friends,with some of the homeless in Washington, when I was walking the streets at night, after a convention, I was in town for.
This was also during the time, that somebody was suppose to be in a white van, while they are shooting people.
A lot of this was happening, while I was site seing, and helped by some of the homeless.
Homeless people helping me!
What a concept!
Looking at the White house from a far, and wishing I had a hellocopter, like that one.
That is what they should call it, because you can sure get around quicker, in something like that!
Side bar:
So how do I really know, how many people actually follow my invisible thoughts?
Is it one, like my mon , or dad, or is it even bigger?
As I said before, I suck in a lot of ways, allowing me more time, to focus on my internal thoughts, that are trying to take me out of pain, and into pleasure.
You would think, as much as I promise, in so many ways, to make your life better, you would put an effort, to get me in that place, to make it happen fast!
Can you handle fast?
I can; do it effortlessly!
I am not bragging, stating a fact!
My blood preasure is so low, you can not hear it with a seashell.
What do I mean by that?
They say, the noise you hear in a seachell, is your blood preasure.
If that is true, then I hear nothing.
How internal do you have to go, to hear nothing?
I did not stutter, I hear nothing!
I do not know my cell phone number, but I know where to get it.
ld also like to hear what Sarah as to say, as I try, and bring all parties back to reality, regardless how my letters, just went south for the winter, and we can figure out the rest, after President Obama, has gone to bed.
xxx unedited xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Anyway, I met a lot of interesting people, while in Washington, and I have no problem covering second, or third shift at the Whitehouse, on a future President mentor thing, with Sarah Palin. I welcome the chance to hear Obama side of everything, or even Biden, and all the rest, but I wou
xxxx do you remember that section above, that went off track, that is where you need to go, to get the rest of this fair, and balance reporting.
What do you expect for free!
Paradigm Hope=; hope you asked for it some where, it's Free!!!
So who is right, the ones who are brain washing you, or me?
I offer to be measured, what do they offer?
I rest my case!
Where is 60 Minutes, for there comments, as they continue to lose their own.
My invisible reality, is you!
Don't want some bad things to get out, or are you worried that your mother-n-law has been watching you from the afterlife, and youi afre afraid what they might say?
Guess what, they are not allowed to say!
This is privledge information, exchanged, everything at first, must be measured.
I read some place, where somebody wished Patrick Swayze, would rest in peace!
That is one way to look at it, but what if you are wrong.
Have we ever been wrong as a country before?
Every night, I can go to bed on any problem, you have my word on that. I usually use the big ones for that, and then I catergrize, all the rest.
Anything that could give me percieved pain, usually topped my list, to the point, that nobody can be tougher on me, than I can my self, and trying to find a happy balance there, with everything else.
Please explore this afterlife communication science, and have a open mind, because there is so much information here, that it will take a long time to cover it all, but the "A" list here, is not exploring this topic past, but where do we need to go now, to make it happen.
I do not ramble on, about my option for my health, but for my internal thought, percieved health.
In short!
If he looks like santa, and he acts like santa, then please allow him the chance to be Santa!
Even though, I promise to do my free experiment, any time, if given the chance. I still have no problem meeting that request, but if it continues, like it is doing now, then I have no problem, having this option aviable, the same time I gave it all to you, last Christmas!
This year, will make it our second year, with out getting the chance, to change life as we know it.
Do I really believe, afterlife communications is possible?
I would not waste your time, if I did not believe that was the case!
Do you remember what it felt like, the first time you drove over a real big bridge?
I'm the wire guy for that bridge, and then some, in thought!
Do you believe your actions with the afterlife, are really "wowing" them right now?
They are just waiting, orb, over orb, for you to inform them, that you were on to me, and you were saying?
Has anybody asked you to look at your afterlife orb portfolio yet?
What you got there in that filing cabinet in yout thoughts?
You got pictures?
Mental pictures?
Get up off the floor, and work with me here!
There is only two options, right?
Commentary, based on more drama, than any one could stand!
I believe that so many people have been walking away from their news, because they can not stand the pain!
They would rather, inter act with afterlife on the web, and have a better quality human life, as a result of it, that it turns out to be a good deal for everybody.
Too many warnings on the web, and you are forced, to watch the Bengals game last week!
Everything in life takes it's allotted amount of time, and the foundation, for my time senitive option, is no different, regardless how many times I bring that up!
How did time play a part in the movie "Independence day"?
I'm sorry, I am not related to the President, in some way, as they were in the movie "Independence day!"
I believe one day, that it will be the requirement of every kid, to learn how to use grammar, and spelling better, than I!
I'm one of those type of people, where you say, I can do better than him in so many different ways!
I open doors for you to explore through out eterity!
If you want to call me a fool, and shut those doors on your self, then that is your option, but don't do it, with out first t5hinking about this first.
Why did we just have some good founding fathers, at one pont in our life, and if theyt were so ggod, did they leave a door fopr us to even stretch, and grow, and even get better!
Do I sound like a positive professor?
My option is for the poor, or anybody else!
You can go to the libraury, or over to your friends house, and do a book report about me.
I am free!
What ever your school wants, it is some place in my option, for a better tomorow!
Jay Leno could have a field day with me, with out even having to bring up my mother.
Jay Leno, potential comment:
"How can you trust our self, to follow somebody into the future, who can not even spell the words, to get us there?"
Hit me with your best shot, because we all need a good laugh, in this crazy world we are living in.
Sad, but it is true!
I knew there was a reason, I became a Carpenter, even though I never had the desire to be one.
Anybody you know, from any books that you read, use to be a Carpenter?
It's not like I ran out last week, and finished a two year course!
I learned to think like a Carpenter, and then some!
I am not a God, but if compare my option, to what you have to work with now, I do believe I have the better plan, regardless what open ended paradigm, we are into!
Everything we are doing, in this open sea of invisible thought can be measured!
There is two sides to this option, even if you have not given it, the time of day!
All I can say, it slow down and truly listen to your inner thoughts, and see if they agree with my inner thoughts, if this is a good deal for everybody, and yes, there will be some give, and taqke, as we sort through all the information in a timely manner, but before we can get to that point.
I am not the bad guy here, or that there is one bad guy here!
Did I bother to mention, that my option eliminates jails, and prisons?
I don't even waste my time, thinking about different problems my option can fix, because there is so many, at this time, that I do not have the time!
As sad as that might sound, it is true!
I have to spend more of my time, promoting myself, than being allowed to fix the problems, I could be fixing!
I am so far down the food chain right now, who knows when my number will come up!
Am I going for the Burt Reynolds pity something?
I'm still a guy!
Thank you for reading my ramble, as i scramble somewhere else tonight, in thought.
I understand, that a lot of you, have a hard time relating to me, because you have not had a near death experience before.
That is not my fault, regardless how well in the future I do, at getting better, at explaining this option. You could do better helping me, for free with it now!
I would like the chance to run for office in the future, for free, just the Internet.
It save money, and it saves time, and some of you are into that, but the best solution, is get me in there now, with Sarah Palin, and you decide what works best for you!
Reality 101!
Please feel free to let me visit the White House, and then decise, any reality way you like, if you want me to stay there, or not!
You can even include my relitives!
Do we have a deal?
Who want's to make a deal with me?
If you are stuck on my spelling, and grammor, then this option of mine, is way over any late night joke, we all could think up, if that is what you are into.
I do not want to control, but to help you grow, any time, you feel, you got it!
If you truly got it, in a positive way, then please fell free to spread this information, regardless how you explain it, and allow this natural option, of afterlife orb communication, the chance to grow, and get better, as it grows.
What would it hurt?
The number one family afterlife orb fued question!
What would it hurt, regardless what side of this option, you are on.
Please find a way, to support me, or explain, why you do not!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
When will President Obama, come visit me?
Do I live on the island of Misfits, or something?
What part line must he cross, to interact with me?
Place us on 60 Minutes, or face the nation!
I really do not care, other than to point out, that I still have more experience, than he does.
I am not hollow, I am full of it!
at can make new jobs!
You decide how much you can handle!
Please feel free to take flight one night, over Dayton, Ohio, and think about my option, for just a moment.
I offered it to Patrick Swayze, but he never got the information, to comment on.
You do!
I offer an option that President Obama needs, imagination, that makes new jobs!
Something that has not happened in 15 years!
I am not bragging, when I can do it effortlessly, naturally, or even do
better, if given the chance.
Do they have a better plan?
Either you are growing, or you are controlling!
I come from the state of growing!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tim Brewer, and Sarah Palin right now!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
As President Obama said's it so confidently, when he saids,
Not this time!
When was his last time?
When was it, that he went from having no experience, to having all the experience?
He is pretty dangerious, with his check book!
I am a safer option, because I provide a no obligation free, option.
I do not want to control you, like some plan to do!
I am into growing our economy, not controlling it!
I am into making the world safer, not controlling it!
I am into providing you with options, not lies!
I'm running on the customer voter, comes first ticket!
My services, have nothing to do with me.
It's all about you, every one of you!
I would imagine, if the media was actually balanced.
You would of heard something about me, by now!!!!!!!!
On the surface, my option looks real good, and as long as your fair, and balance news, ignores me.
That is all I will ever be.
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
There is no obligation on your part, but if by chance, you were once like me, who actually believed, that our Government, was supposed to do everything right, so we did not have to worry about it everyday!
Side Bar:
Tim Brewer current media blog.
People like me, never expire!
Profile us, anyway you like, but 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife, and the last time I heard about ratings like that, was the ones Sarah Palin was having in Alaska!
If people believe in it, then why not give them what they want.
Where do you have a problem with this, the front end, or the back end?
Would you like to know more about the next President of this country, from the great state of Ohio!
Who do you know for there?
Joe the plummer?
Tim, the pizza guy!
Thomas A. Edison
The Wright Brothers!
I sure would like the chance to interact with Allen Hunt,Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Neil Bortz, Barbra Walters, Larry King, President Obama, the radio host from 700WLW, until you know me, better, than I know myself, but regardless how you profile me through out life, I am a good deal for you, I really am, and I take full responsibility for saying that!
Please join me, regardless what you are into, and help take back this world!
We are too smart, to play dumb any longer, bickering over every drama you can think of, and it all takes it toll!
I heard one of the oldest people on Earth died lately, and they said that this person lived that long, because they did not worry about everything.
I do not worry, because I have been to heaven, and I know what we should do next, if you are interested.
Who am I?
Ask your commentary, news media people, to check into it, and find out.
What would it hurt?
Am I crazy, or am I right!
You decide, with the best you got!
Dr. Phil, Larry King, or anybody else you like, but all I ask, is the chance to walk through the next best thing!
I'm sorry, that it is free for now, but give it time, and I have no doubt, that it will be showing up in a Robb Report, before too long, unless they are controlling their business.
Time will tell, for any media outlet, with that question.
Is your media balanced, if you never hear anything about me?
Call me crazy, but you would think, that me house would look something like Keven Cstner's house did, in Swing Vote!
Why waste time, getting the daily balance of open ended future balance, you might need, just in case I am right!
It took exactly ten thousand tries, before Edison built a better light bulb, and I am expected to learn from his mistakes?
I believe I have!
One of the worlds greatest inventors, from Ohio, Thomas A. Edison, believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Dead is such a negative word.
Afterlife Orb's, rocks!
Is it not better to live, but always have a comfortable, back up afterlife plan, just in case you are wrong, with your first one.
Is it possible, that you could be wrong, with your afterlife option.
I do!
Because I can see it, just like you can see any home improvement plan, you have around the house.
If you can see it, touch it, and feel it, then it is a done deal!
Now, I like to think, that my option will make it a good deal for everybody, but that depends a lot on you!
We are going to have a news channel that reports facts, and then you can watch your commentary, on their sister channel.
I would imagine by now, that President Obama, and Sarah Palin, is quite aware of me by now, and I would imagine our government, has checked me out, from time to time, and they probally profile me, as safe, but very openionated.
I try. and be politically correct, based on what I havce to work with, and I am always open for suggestions.
Who am I?
Anybody you want me to be!
You are the voters, and my budget is free!
I want your support, but I do not want your money!
What you see, is what you get, based on balance reporting, from the media.
On the food chain, I am one step above somebody willing to hold a cardboard sign, to feed his family!
Bill Cunningham, from 700WLW, was right, when he said the only change you will have, will be the change in your pockets!
My name is Tim Brewer, and one day, I will lead the cardboard sign parade to History, and we will fix this Government problem real fast, based on you, and you, and you, and you!
It's not about me, or Sarah Palin, it never was!
It has always been about You!
I will live through any pain i must do, to make you happy, as you profile me through your life, but if I am crazy, because I want to make your life better, then why not give me that crazy chance!
Either prove me wrong, or get out of the way!
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
There is no obligation on your part, but if by chance, you were once like me, who actually believed, that our Government, was supposed to do everything right, so we did not have to worry about it everyday!
Side Bar:
Tim Brewer current media blog.
People like me, never expire!
Profile us, anyway you like, but 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife, and the last time I heard about ratings like that, was the ones Sarah Palin was having in Alaska!
If people believe in it, then why not give them what they want.
Where do you have a problem with this, the front end, or the back end?
Would you like to know more about the next President of this country, from the great state of Ohio!
Who do you know for there?
Joe the plummer?
Tim, the pizza guy!
Thomas A. Edison
The Wright Brothers!
I sure would like the chance to interact with Allen Hunt,Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Neil Bortz, Barbra Walters, Larry King, President Obama, the radio host from 700WLW, until you know me, better, than I know myself, but regardless how you profile me through out life, I am a good deal for you, I really am, and I take full responsibility for saying that!
Please join me, regardless what you are into, and help take back this world!
We are too smart, to play dumb any longer, bickering over every drama you can think of, and it all takes it toll!
I heard one of the oldest people on Earth died lately, and they said that this person lived that long, because they did not worry about everything.
I do not worry, because I have been to heaven, and I know what we should do next, if you are interested.
Who am I?
Ask your commentary, news media people, to check into it, and find out.
What would it hurt?
Am I crazy, or am I right!
You decide, with the best you got!
Dr. Phil, Larry King, or anybody else you like, but all I ask, is the chance to walk through the next best thing!
I'm sorry, that it is free for now, but give it time, and I have no doubt, that it will be showing up in a Robb Report, before too long, unless they are controlling their business.
Time will tell, for any media outlet, with that question.
Is your media balanced, if you never hear anything about me?
Call me crazy, but you would think, that me house would look something like Keven Cstner's house did, in Swing Vote!
Why waste time, getting the daily balance of open ended future balance, you might need, just in case I am right!
It took exactly ten thousand tries, before Edison built a better light bulb, and I am expected to learn from his mistakes?
I believe I have!
One of the worlds greatest inventors, from Ohio, Thomas A. Edison, believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Dead is such a negative word.
Afterlife Orb's, rocks!
Is it not better to live, but always have a comfortable, back up afterlife plan, just in case you are wrong, with your first one.
Is it possible, that you could be wrong, with your afterlife option.
I do!
Because I can see it, just like you can see any home improvement plan, you have around the house.
If you can see it, touch it, and feel it, then it is a done deal!
Now, I like to think, that my option will make it a good deal for everybody, but that depends a lot on you!
We are going to have a news channel that reports facts, and then you can watch your commentary, on their sister channel.
I would imagine by now, that President Obama, and Sarah Palin, is quite aware of me by now, and I would imagine our government, has checked me out, from time to time, and they probally profile me, as safe, but very openionated.
I try. and be politically correct, based on what I havce to work with, and I am always open for suggestions.
Who am I?
Anybody you want me to be!
You are the voters, and my budget is free!
I want your support, but I do not want your money!
What you see, is what you get, based on balance reporting, from the media.
On the food chain, I am one step above somebody willing to hold a cardboard sign, to feed his family!
Bill Cunningham, from 700WLW, was right, when he said the only change you will have, will be the change in your pockets!
My name is Tim Brewer, and one day, I will lead the cardboard sign parade to History, and we will fix this Government problem real fast, based on you, and you, and you, and you!
It's not about me, or Sarah Palin, it never was!
It has always been about You!
I will live through any pain i must do, to make you happy, as you profile me through your life, but if I am crazy, because I want to make your life better, then why not give me that crazy chance!
Either prove me wrong, or get out of the way!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
...9/13/09, and here is what is in the news.
Finally an image of Tim Brewer
...9/13/09, and here is what is in the news.
Finally an image of Tim Brewer
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I'm sorry, if you thought I was this Tim Brewer
I'm the other Tim Brewer, you know, your free life, and afterlife planner.
Legalize afterlife, and you fix the economy. It's that simple!
Any comments?
It's called give, and take.
You want to take over health care, then give us something more than what we expect!
Afterlife Orbs should have equal rights!
By giving afterlife Orbs right, in turn you are giving humans rights as well, by extending their potential ability to pay taxes, and bills. All the while exploring the possibility more seriously!
Why go to forien lands, and only drill there?
We now have the ability, thanks to BrainGate, to drill something of our own.
Are own potential!
What problem could you have with allowing afterlife the chances you are given?
There over head is low, but their potential is great!
How much health care will they cost over eterity?
Very low!
It pays to have afterlife Orbs!
What part of my free afterlife communication option, do you have a problem with?
Before you die, or after you die?
Everything in life comes down to pain, or pleasure on some level, as you continue through a percieved right direction, wrong direction.
How long do you want to waste, going the wrong direction?
You are not getting any younger!
How long do you want to live in pain, when your life could be so much better now?
If some of you, as you try, and comperhend my option, want to continue to believe, I am crazy, then prove it, or move over, and help me make this happen!
I have a passion for this option, because I know it can be done!
This option though, is just a small part of the bigger picture!
You truly want a greener world, then by all means, get over my spelling, and my grammor, because that is not what this option is about.
The Rain man can not dress himself, and Professor Steven Hawkins, is having problems as well, and President Obama needs help right now!
He needs my option to come from me, not from him!
He needs to allow me the chance, to sink, or swim!
Please feel free to hold me accountable, and give me the tools to do it right!
I can do it free, but you get what you pay for!
If you want all the bells, and whistles, then we can do that as well!
What do i mean by that, if you want my text information better, then get me an assistant.
Somebody who can explain me better, than I can myself!
Believe it, or not, but there are some people out there, who can do that!
I love to analyze, not because I have too, but because I want too!
I hate to be bored!
Do you like to be bored?
How about eternity?
Your internal energy, has long as you known it, has had the ability to keep you out of pain, and into pleasure. The only time it has not done that, is when you elected to get in the way!
It has to be a good deal, for your inner thoughts, and you!
You may assume this, or that, but you are wrong!
Fact, I did not stutter!
Sure there are outside forces, through out life, regardless when it happens, that your internal thoughts might experience unexpected pain, from unexpected events, but day in, and day out, you are responsible for your internal thoughts!
Just like your kids, you always have them!
Please feel free to speak to elderly people, and they will inform you, that there mind never gets old. The only exception to that, is desease, but that is only limited, while you are a human.
As Helen Keller shown, when she experienced her near death experience, that sight is possible, from the inside out!
People go on, and on, about how America, had the greatest founding fathers, and iof that is the case, or not. I do not know, but how can you ignore Edison. No, he was not a founding father, but he comes in a close second!
Now when one of the worlds greatest in ventors, if not the greatest, after my experiment is tried, support my option!
I did not know that, at the time of the thought, but as a reference, he seams to be a good one.
How about this one, Jesus!
Was he not the guy who had that out of body experience?
I think they call it a ressurection, or something like that!
He proved it in the Bible, and Edison believed it was possible!
So who should support me?
Religion, private sector, upset voters, The Government, President Obama, Woman who wants true eternal love, etc!
What is the down side?
You change the meaining to death!
You inform the Grim Reaper, that you are not going to take it anymore!
"The Grim Reaper might get our suit, but he don't get our internal thoughts!"
Tim Brewer, your first, and only free, official life, and afterlife planner!
Do you ever feel like you are doing it all!
We have to work someplace!
Be it here, or in the afterlife!
What brings you to Ohio?
Damn, if I know!
Everything in life happens for a reason, and I am no different!
If I inform you, that you need to hold me accountable, as soon as possible, then you really should hold me accountable, as soon as possible!
I will make mistakes, everybody does, but at least we will finally be going in the right direction!
What do I mean by that?
Thomas A. Edison believed it was possible in his day, and all it would of took to make it happen then, was for the President of the United states, to support him!
Your value as a human is to great, to ignore this option any longer!
Freedom for afterlife Orbs!
I guess that makes me an, life, afterlife planner lobbyest!
No pork with my option, unless you want all the bells, and whistles, because you can see this option as good as I can!
Either you are growing, or controlling, during your right direction, wrong direction, percieved, pain, or pleasure life!
Believe it, or not, but my references will check out!
Fact, with no ego included!
What would make me happy?
I like to see the day, where we all can go to Michigan, and play hooky!
I'm sorry, if you thought I was this Tim Brewer
I'm the other Tim Brewer, you know, your free life, and afterlife planner.
Legalize afterlife, and you fix the economy. It's that simple!
Any comments?
It's called give, and take.
You want to take over health care, then give us something more than what we expect!
Afterlife Orbs should have equal rights!
By giving afterlife Orbs right, in turn you are giving humans rights as well, by extending their potential ability to pay taxes, and bills. All the while exploring the possibility more seriously!
Why go to forien lands, and only drill there?
We now have the ability, thanks to BrainGate, to drill something of our own.
Are own potential!
What problem could you have with allowing afterlife the chances you are given?
There over head is low, but their potential is great!
How much health care will they cost over eterity?
Very low!
It pays to have afterlife Orbs!
What part of my free afterlife communication option, do you have a problem with?
Before you die, or after you die?
Everything in life comes down to pain, or pleasure on some level, as you continue through a percieved right direction, wrong direction.
How long do you want to waste, going the wrong direction?
You are not getting any younger!
How long do you want to live in pain, when your life could be so much better now?
If some of you, as you try, and comperhend my option, want to continue to believe, I am crazy, then prove it, or move over, and help me make this happen!
I have a passion for this option, because I know it can be done!
This option though, is just a small part of the bigger picture!
You truly want a greener world, then by all means, get over my spelling, and my grammor, because that is not what this option is about.
The Rain man can not dress himself, and Professor Steven Hawkins, is having problems as well, and President Obama needs help right now!
He needs my option to come from me, not from him!
He needs to allow me the chance, to sink, or swim!
Please feel free to hold me accountable, and give me the tools to do it right!
I can do it free, but you get what you pay for!
If you want all the bells, and whistles, then we can do that as well!
What do i mean by that, if you want my text information better, then get me an assistant.
Somebody who can explain me better, than I can myself!
Believe it, or not, but there are some people out there, who can do that!
I love to analyze, not because I have too, but because I want too!
I hate to be bored!
Do you like to be bored?
How about eternity?
Your internal energy, has long as you known it, has had the ability to keep you out of pain, and into pleasure. The only time it has not done that, is when you elected to get in the way!
It has to be a good deal, for your inner thoughts, and you!
You may assume this, or that, but you are wrong!
Fact, I did not stutter!
Sure there are outside forces, through out life, regardless when it happens, that your internal thoughts might experience unexpected pain, from unexpected events, but day in, and day out, you are responsible for your internal thoughts!
Just like your kids, you always have them!
Please feel free to speak to elderly people, and they will inform you, that there mind never gets old. The only exception to that, is desease, but that is only limited, while you are a human.
As Helen Keller shown, when she experienced her near death experience, that sight is possible, from the inside out!
People go on, and on, about how America, had the greatest founding fathers, and iof that is the case, or not. I do not know, but how can you ignore Edison. No, he was not a founding father, but he comes in a close second!
Now when one of the worlds greatest in ventors, if not the greatest, after my experiment is tried, support my option!
I did not know that, at the time of the thought, but as a reference, he seams to be a good one.
How about this one, Jesus!
Was he not the guy who had that out of body experience?
I think they call it a ressurection, or something like that!
He proved it in the Bible, and Edison believed it was possible!
So who should support me?
Religion, private sector, upset voters, The Government, President Obama, Woman who wants true eternal love, etc!
What is the down side?
You change the meaining to death!
You inform the Grim Reaper, that you are not going to take it anymore!
"The Grim Reaper might get our suit, but he don't get our internal thoughts!"
Tim Brewer, your first, and only free, official life, and afterlife planner!
Do you ever feel like you are doing it all!
We have to work someplace!
Be it here, or in the afterlife!
What brings you to Ohio?
Damn, if I know!
Everything in life happens for a reason, and I am no different!
If I inform you, that you need to hold me accountable, as soon as possible, then you really should hold me accountable, as soon as possible!
I will make mistakes, everybody does, but at least we will finally be going in the right direction!
What do I mean by that?
Thomas A. Edison believed it was possible in his day, and all it would of took to make it happen then, was for the President of the United states, to support him!
Your value as a human is to great, to ignore this option any longer!
Freedom for afterlife Orbs!
I guess that makes me an, life, afterlife planner lobbyest!
No pork with my option, unless you want all the bells, and whistles, because you can see this option as good as I can!
Either you are growing, or controlling, during your right direction, wrong direction, percieved, pain, or pleasure life!
Believe it, or not, but my references will check out!
Fact, with no ego included!
What would make me happy?
I like to see the day, where we all can go to Michigan, and play hooky!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Hello, my name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife planner.
What experience do I have?
I have seen heaven, just like 650 million people on average will do at some point in their life.
What am I talking about?
People who have near death experiences, are the best we have, when it comes to seeing heaven.
What is heaven like?
Expecting a gate, or something different?
It will be different, at least if it was like my experience.
You do a lot of floating, but the view is about the same as you see now.
The biggest problem you face in heaven is this,
Your rights to communicate!
In America, you are free to communicate, but not heaven.
You are free to float around in heaven America, but you are not provided with any tools to communicate.
You are free to be lost in heaven America, but when it comes to interacting with you as an Orb, forget it!
America does not reconize heaven, or any Orb that is a part of that.
Some even laugh at the possibility!
I see nothing funny about it, especially if you enjoy communicating.
I see nothing funny about an option that is so easy to do, it is not funny!
I understand that some feel they will go to hell when they die.
You just might with your thoughts, but not with mine!
What do I mean by that?
If you could imagine heaven, as the clear space above your head right now, and hell as a place where you are nevfer given the chance to interact from that space.
Imagine your whole life, that your only ability to interact, was through a cell phone, with a bad connection.
Fighting through thought, your whole life, trying to get your message out, and regardless .
If by chance, you get a chance to get your message through thought to one person who might be able to hear you, who would it be?
How about Thomas A. Edison, during his time on this Earth?
If i was filling out references, that support my effort, then he would be one of them, because he did believe it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Who else, through out history, supports my option?
I will inform you in my next post!
Side bar: My wife can not stand to listen to me, when she is sick, because I bounce from this topic, to that, like it is nothing, and she has a hard time keeping up with me, during that time.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I will be back!s
Hello, my name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife planner.
What experience do I have?
I have seen heaven, just like 650 million people on average will do at some point in their life.
What am I talking about?
People who have near death experiences, are the best we have, when it comes to seeing heaven.
What is heaven like?
Expecting a gate, or something different?
It will be different, at least if it was like my experience.
You do a lot of floating, but the view is about the same as you see now.
The biggest problem you face in heaven is this,
Your rights to communicate!
In America, you are free to communicate, but not heaven.
You are free to float around in heaven America, but you are not provided with any tools to communicate.
You are free to be lost in heaven America, but when it comes to interacting with you as an Orb, forget it!
America does not reconize heaven, or any Orb that is a part of that.
Some even laugh at the possibility!
I see nothing funny about it, especially if you enjoy communicating.
I see nothing funny about an option that is so easy to do, it is not funny!
I understand that some feel they will go to hell when they die.
You just might with your thoughts, but not with mine!
What do I mean by that?
If you could imagine heaven, as the clear space above your head right now, and hell as a place where you are nevfer given the chance to interact from that space.
Imagine your whole life, that your only ability to interact, was through a cell phone, with a bad connection.
Fighting through thought, your whole life, trying to get your message out, and regardless .
If by chance, you get a chance to get your message through thought to one person who might be able to hear you, who would it be?
How about Thomas A. Edison, during his time on this Earth?
If i was filling out references, that support my effort, then he would be one of them, because he did believe it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Who else, through out history, supports my option?
I will inform you in my next post!
Side bar: My wife can not stand to listen to me, when she is sick, because I bounce from this topic, to that, like it is nothing, and she has a hard time keeping up with me, during that time.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I will be back!s
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