Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I would like to take this time, and thank Google, twitter, Face Book, you tube, My space, and many others, like this Blog, for helping me to get my information to you!
Thank you!
Did all of you get a chance to see that new 2012!, movie yet?
The previews, looked like a future video game!
Who saves them in the end?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Why don't you give me a chance?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
The movie 2012, comes out Friday, and after the masses see it, there will always be that worry, until the year 2013, and that number don't look a lot better.
I offer a different option, that could have you dancing in the streets, but for some reason, you have not given me a chance to make you happy!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Birth, Life, Death, and Afterlife Orbs !
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Death of the human body, but not the energy Orb.
Energy can not be destroyed!
You are a human being in energy!
Everyday, some place on this planet, some body is having a near death out of body experience.
It could be any of us, if the conditions are right.
I have been in that situation, and the math points that this would be the same type of situation you would face in the afterlife.
Floating around, watching everything, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking..............
100% of every person that has ever had a near death out of body experience, thinks during the experience.
What do death, and near death experiences, have most in common?
You have no control, when it happens!
Your internal thoughts, always take you out of pain, and into pleasure,
and they show that 100%, when you are floating up by the ceiling,
with out a pain pain in the world, except for your emotions.
Only you have control of them.
My emotions lead me to believe, that it is in your best interest, to want to communicate with afterlife orbs!
Because it is a good deal for you!
It's safe to do!
There is no obligation on your part, but you know it is there, if you ever want to check it out!
It's Free to check out!
It's free to do!
Who do we have to see, so we can make this option happen?
President Obama!
What a better way, for him to earn his Nobel Peace Prise, than with this option.
Lincoln freed the slaves, and Obama frees the afterlife Orbs!
Now that would be something to be proud of!
History would show, that President Obama broke parties, and Union lines, and done the right thing!
I have no doubt, that he would feel good after doing it.
You always feel better after you do the right thing, and this option is one of those types of things!
What would it hurt President Obama, polls numbers, if he did this?
80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife.
Those are Sarah Palin type of numbers, and I have no doubt, that she would welcome an option like this!
Anything else, is just another President Obama, Health care, Death Panel!
What else could it be?
If for some reason, this is not an image below, please explain to me how it could be in the future!
If President Obama is watching us, and he has this real good team, working for hi, then he should be quite aware of my option by now, and for him not to try my option, only hurts him, with his Legacy, through out life, because History would show, if he did not take advantage of my option now, that he made a mistake.
Like it, or not Mr. President, but I am a clue!
A History clue, when talk, turns into action, and this action turns around the economy, the deficit, your problem with the wars, and everything else!
I am, the real deal clue, for you, but to ignore me, only hurts you in the long run!
I would imagine, the Press could have a field day, with this new information!
"President Obama, is one up on President Lincoln, when it comes to freeing people, or does he ignore it, and be carrying around the Nobel Peace Prise, with nothing to show for it!"
If he don't do it, Fox news will be all over it, and if he does do it, then he might be our President forever!
What a thought!
President Obama, our last President, going into the media worst case scenario, for the year 2012!
Before that happens, free the afterlife Orbs, by supporting them in value!
Orb value would fix our economy!
Orb value would protect our kids!
Orb value would end both wars!
Orb Value would fix Health care!
Orb value, would raise your value as well, and you would actually have time, and money, based on it.
Orb value would fix Wall street!
Orb value would fix abortions!
Orb value, is only as good as you want it to be.
You want nothing, and that is what we got, going into the media worst case scenario for 2012!
I can not say enough, that I am a clue, regardless what scavenger hunt you are on!
I get my information from a reliable source, my inner thoughts. The same thoughts, that took me against my will, to a near death out of body experience, and is the same inner thoughts, that believe it is in our best interest, to use Brain Gate, as Edison would, if he had the support, he should of got, when he believed it was possible, to communicate with the dead!
I believe it would be welcomed, if we decided to explore my experiment more!
Please feel free, to allow me the chance, to show you what I got some time!
Here comes my favorite question again.
What would it hurt?
News wire Phone scrip, if you are interested!
"Near death experience man, claims he knows how we can communicate with afterlife Orbs, in a way that can be measured for free!"
Read all about it!
How do I go about getting a meeting with President Obama?
What do I have to do, to qualify, to see the President?
Everything I have come in contact with, when it comes to politics, is money!
Why do they need that money so bad?
I'm running my campaign free!
How must advertising do
I have to do?
You know where I am usually at, by searching me on Google, or one of the other search engine, and here I am.
I do not charge a fee, to interact with you here!
Regardless where I go, I can always find a computer some place, to interact with you!
Even if we are in the afterlife, this option will be there!
Good communication.
Every Orb, human, or not, should have the chance to communicate.
Regardless if you can comprehend it, or not, some can, and with a price tag of zero, who else should sponsor this free event, better than coke zero!
As bad as their sells have been, you would think they would be all over this, and maybe they are, because History only happens once, and everything after that is so dis organized, you would not believe it, if i told you!
The right hand, and the left hand, is so far out, on so many issues, that this is the only option that helps fix it all!
How many after life Orbs need to inform you, that you should quit smoking, before you will quit?
How many afterlife Orbs must die, before I am given the time of day, to speak on their behalf, based on all my new information, about this topic!
Why are we more worried about finding fish, than we are afterlife Orbs?
They got some real fancy machines!
What is different, with what they are doing, than what I am trying to do?
Their machine gives them value, and they act on that value!
It's not like the fish usually jump out of the water, and say, look, I am over here!
Hook me if you can!
What do you take me for, a sucker!
Thomas A. Edison tried 10,000 times, before he made a better light bulb.
Now others have come along, with even a better light bulb.
What a bright idea!
People like me coming along, who happen to know a little more, than one plus one!
I just happen to have enough experience, in the field of science that I am in, that I would qualify as an expert!
I came to the Internet early on, to find anybody quick, that my option is not possible, but I have not found that person yet!
Either prove me wrong, or help this option on, because if President Obama can not decide to do with his two wars, then he don't have a wing, and a prayer, with my option, and it is only going to be a matter of time, before somebody like Fox News, is going to jump all over this option!
Talk about your ratings going through the roof!
With 2012 almost upon us, how crazy can it get?
People need to know, that we are exploring all avenues, and sure this option is about as weird as it gets, but it is still an option.
Only in America, can somebody like me, be free to inform you about my invisible thoughts, like I am doing right now.
Afterlife Orbs are free, and they are free to think, what ever they would like to think, and one thing they have been thinking about, is informing us, that they would like the chance to interact with us.
what would it hurt, if they behaved, or not?
They believe some of you on Bridezilla, behave worst than afterlife orbs!
Not zombies, Orbs!
Not nuts, but Orbs!
Not crazy, but Orbs!
Etc., but Obs!
Orb right established by President Obama, based on his future legacy, with his private library, and all that other stuff he will have, like that meteorite, that he caught with his left hand, in the year 2012.
So some time I exaggerate, I'm just a guy, who is allowing his inner thoughts, to take him out of pain, and into pleasure, with this option!
I guess you would call me right now, a zar!
Orb Zar!
I can see it now, President Obama Orb Zar!
Timing is everything!
I would imagine the toy stores would love to have a fluffy Orb doll by Christmas!
That could be the number one seller this Christmas, if any toy maker is listening!
I could go on, and on, and I love people to ask lot's of questions, because that is what I am here for.
Believe it, or not media, but if I was on Oprah, I would not jump on her couch!
I will also be including all of you in my will, that I do want the chance to communicate back with you, and I am holding all of you responsible, for making that happen!
If the conditions are right, and tools are ready, then there is only a upside to this option.
Because we can decide where we can meet, after I am an afterlife Orb, but do you know where your afterlife light will be, or even worst, the other place, and how do you get to it?
Is it three streets down on the right, or do you have to turn a curtain way, or sit through your life flashing in front of you, or what?
Seams to me, my option is a lot easier.
I believe it is as simple, as communicating with a Wal-Mart greater!
After that as an afterlife Orb, the Internet is your new playground!
I will be back, where imagination goes hand in hand with reality!
Thomas A Edison drilled into 1% of this imagination, and look at all the things he was able to do with reality hard work, and yes we can do that with my imagination as well!
I use to say, at one time, that I was no better than you, but I had a different experience.
It still holds true!
Regardless to the fact, that I have the best solution to the media worst case scenario for the year 2012; I am still not better than you.
So i have come a long way, from my one plus one days, with my experience, and if everything happens for a reason, then I do qualify as a clue, based on the fact that you listen to me long enough, that you know it to be true, with your own inner thoughts, and that is why I have so many different people view my option, because they know it's possible, even science knows it's possible, and when the President, at the time of Edison, did not support afterlife communication, then neither did Edison anymore.
He made it known, that he would not b build anything, if he did not believe he could sell it.
I am not selling anything!
I am informing you of an afterlife communication back up plan, just in case your plan don't work!
Imagine for a moment, that you found your self in a near death experience, and it lasted for two days!
What would you do?
Who is your free Clark Howard expert in this field?
Must be me!
Should we cater to you, in that situation, or should we confirm you dead?
What did you say, I can not hear you?
It's time to stop thinking stupid, and support afterlife Orbs rights!
They deserve it!
How about all those afterlife Orbs, who fought for this country?
Do they not have a say?
What about our founding fathers, do they not have a say, in this situation i have given you.
What would it hurt, to get the rest of the story from
Paul Harvey?
What would it hurt, to find out if a inner Orb like Michael Jackson, can be effected by all the drugs he took.
What would it hurt to give Patrick Swayze one more chance?
I could go on, but I am nobody, based on how the world operates, these days!
I guess, since I am promoting my self, I am considered spam, at least when I am on a Forum, but I do not know about blogs, I would assume, even though I don't like using that word, because it is right up there with guess, or luck, but anyway, I assume a blog is a place where you can just post your thoughts, and inform about what ever you would like.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Quick survey:
Did I inform you of anything, that was not politically correct?
What else can I do, to make you happy?
What right direction, can we go next, to keep moving this option forward, based on the media worst case scenario for the year 2012!
If you knew for sure, that the media was right, would you explore my option more?
It's safe, there is no obligation, please do what ever makes you happy, but just in case, I mean just in case, everything turns out, just like it does, for near death experience people, then by all means, help support this option, because it does not discriminate, against anybody!
This option crosses all parties line!
My last thought of the day!
Based on how long you could live as an afterlife orb, compared to the life span of a human, and everybody seams to be searching for something, that this option would fit the bill everywhere!
Who would have better experience, than afterlife Orbs, based on their experience.
Now some question, why I do not speak only of God, and not all these afterlife Orbs.
All I can say, is try my experiment, and if God would like to be the first Orb to communicate this way, then please feel free to do it.
I welcome any afterlife Orb, if you would like, but that depends on President Obama, as I said before.
Sure I could go on, and on, in any form you would like, and sure I could fix your war problems, and so much more, with very little effort, and I know that sounded cocky, but it is fact, with no ego!
Just fill me in on your problem ,and I will organize it to my option, in one way, or another.
This option is that big!
Now if there is not news in here for somebody, then I am one boring guy!
Good night, catch me if you can!
Tim Brewer, free campaign for 2012!
Do I get equal time with the media?
Maybe if I hang out at, Joe the plumber house.
During this time in our life, when the people who are suppose to protect you, is hurting you, and everybody is more concerned with the nest show of Gossip Girl, it is no surprise, that my option might come as a shock to some, but it is still an option, just the same, and will continue to be...
If I am crazy, for trying to make your life better, then
I am guilty as charged!
If that is what it must take, to decide if I am fit to do this experiment, or everything else I offer, then bring on Dr. Phil!
I'm open for what ever I can do to speed this option up!
What would it hurt, just in case everybody is usually right about something?
Now that you lived long enough to read this, the ball is now in your coart Mr. President!
Do you shoot, or do you think about it for a couple of weeks?
Is your telpromter on a two week delay?
Don't take it personal, during these tough times, just a question.
All I do naturally is paint pictures that can be measured into reality!
What would you rather see in the future.
A better situation, or a worst one?
I go for positive, how about you?
Where is 60 Minutes, when you need them?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The politically correct way, to look at 2012.
It could have one situation in it, where we have no control, but after that happens, we follow the plan, laid out by Tim Brewer!
Unless you have a better, big picture, follow through, why not?
If you are into structure, then this afterlife orb m atrix, is the direction to go!
We are all human Orbs, if not, then you are brain dead!
We now know, based on near death, out of Orb experiences, that it would not hurt, to continue to jump start a heart attack patient, because energy orbs, do have the ability, to procrasinate, to your inner thoughts, while in a near death experience.
Some people believe in rfecarnation, and things like that.
You are gambling, and it could be a time delay, just like taking a ride, in harnessed energy!
There is a lot you need to know, to save you time in the afterlife, but before we go into that, please help get my information out to the media, so others can weigh in on this balloon as well!
The politically correct way to look at 2012, is give every options, like the one I am offering, and allow them the chance to decide, if they would be interested in this, or not.
Don't tell them, because you have too, but because you want too!
What would it hurt, to see what Ohio has to offer!
I had brother named James!
My name is Tim.
See Tim Run, where is Tim going?
What is the fire?
The media worst case scenario for 2012!
Is there anything to it?
How can you afford, during these times, to imagine something bad is not going to happen in 2012?
As you can see, I am getting no money, from anybody, to provide you with this Robb Report value quality, when it comes to politics, but the fact is, regardless what you are into, I am into something better!
...and the funny thing is, I do not care!
I have the opportunity to be filthy rich, but I do not care!
I have the opportunity, to do all type of positive things, or even negative, if I would like, but I do not care!
If you are serious about a better America, then you need to do what ever you can, to support me. I can only do so much!
If you want real change, in a positive way, then you need to work out a deal with me, and show me that you got my back, as I have all of yours, because it is the right thing to do!
I do not know how you came about my message, or if you ever will, but this was a thought cry out, to the wind, and anybody else, in this measurable orb world we are living in, that ticles the butterflies of Austria, but that was what I was thinking!
Am I the real deal, or the perfect mistake, having a back up plan to begin with!
Solution, for the Worst case scenario, for 2012!
Tim Brewer!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What does Fox News, and Tim Brewer, from Dayton, Ohio, have in common?
We are both getting the silent treatment, from President Obama!
I say, if you are doing everything right, then you have nothing to worry about!
It's games like this, that got a Brewer kid burned today.
What hurts the most, is being so close!
How close are we?
That depends on you!
How close do you want to get?
Close enough, to see things get better?
Let's take a moment, and look at your five year plan,
Is that not what they inform us in business, look at the five year plan?
Guess what, according to the media worst case scenario; You do not have a five year plan.
How could you?
Two years, is all you have, unless you side with my option.
Tim Brewer, your life, and afterlife communication planner!
Please feel free to search out all my past threads, all over the web.
Look for your self, I only get better!
My option only get's better!
I started from ground zero, and worked my way from there!
We all live in energy, and we use that same energy, in combination, with the liquids in our body, to access energy, at any place on us, at anytime, but on the same hand, there is a ground zero!
There is an inside to you, that is energy, and we see it, everytime somebody has a near death experience.
An orb, with thought, exploring a wet dream that has been around, for a long time.
Please take a moment, step back, and think about it.
Near death experiences are unexpected, but they are followed out, by your internal thoughts, that want to take you out of pain, and into pleasure.
A Brewer kid today, felt the Hell, here on Earth, when those kids threw alcohal on him, and then lit him on fire!
They laughed, and enjoying the moment!
Please join me, in my efforts, to prevent other Brewer kids, from having to experience, what this kid, wnet through today, that will effect him for a while.
Inplosion crime, inside our safety net, of all other wars, we seam to be in, for some reason, or another.
Fight for this, fight for that, and we get to go to special memory plases, and read their names.
I have been to Washington, during the sniper days, and I walked the streets, during that time.
I got to know this street kid, and check out his spot on the sidewalk.
I hear that 50% of the people in Washington, are spys!
They must be blind spys!
I heard a story today, about somebody saving their house, by having a garage sale.
My neibor had one, but nobody came!
I wished there was something I could do to help them, because they have always been good people.
Good people, hurting, and adjusting to a bigger problem.
Our Government!
Face it, they got us into this mess!
Somebody claimed, that he had change, that is going to fix all this!
If he can not fix the little stuff, then how is he going to be able to fix 2012?
You need me, and you know it is true!
Read the writing on the wall!
Be it facebook, twitter, google searches, or anything else.
It all points to me!
The big picture is focused on 2012, not all this other drama!
I focused on the big picture, and I can fix this other drama as well.
I am kind of like your cable guy, but I brought pizza!
My option is quick, but if you do not understand the controller, we can talk about that, when you are ready!
I have nothing to hide, and I take full responsibility for my thoughts.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I'm bored, how about you?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I would like to take this time, and thank everybody, that has found an interest, in my invisible thoughts.
I have offered to do everything, but asked to do nothing!
"I guess, it must be time, for your free afterlife planner, Tim Brewer to play!
Fun time!
Let's play, Google search!
Please feel free, and guess how many of these searches, will have something to do with my topic, on the first page. Image section of Google as well!
1. Tim Brewer
2. The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities!
3. Dr. Phil,tim brewer!
4. Microsoft Access World Forum, banned Tim Brewer
5. CNN
6. 700WLW,the big one!
7. afterlife
8. Afterlife planner!
9. 2012!
10. President Obama, tim brewer
Please check that out, and feel free to add other places, I might be found.
Please feel free to post negative searches as well, if you are still into that!
I must have it easy, because I have offered a lot, but silence is all I hear!
I'm glad to hear that President Obama, is donating his Nobel prise money, to a charity!
I like Allen Hunt suggestion, and I sure would like the chance, to interact, with Allen Hunt, but all I have is a cell phone.
I wish every once in a while though, that he allowed people the chance, to get off his topic of the day, and talk about topic's like mine.
Would you like to get Allen take, on afterlife possibilities?
I would, if he is being totally honest.
I might not agree with him, but I would like his take, on this option.
Would you like Allen Hunt, to do the right thing, and interact with me?
Could Allen Hunt change my thoughts, about my option?
Yes, just like you can, who ever you are!
I welcome that chance to anybody!
Hit me with your best thoughts!
Fire away!!!
Tim Brewer
No takers yet?
I guess I will go listen to Suzan Boyle again.
Some song about a dream, or something!
What's your dream?
I try, and make it a point, not to bite, other people thoughts!
I support you a 100%, for what you are into, just as long, as it don't hurt you, or anybody else, with in reason!
I am also in charge, of the afterlife Orb Unions!
I thought President Obama, was big in Unions?
Here I am, the head member of this Union, and it is quieter in here, than being at church!
I did not stutter!
Yes, it is true, my intent, is just as great as President Obama, but I am kept in the dark, like a criminal, when that is not the case!
Regardless the fact, that I had more experience, before he became President, but that is besides the point anyway, because he could do something special, by supporting my option 100%!
Am I the next Rocky?
I loved those movies, how about you?
I love motivation, how about you?
Either you are growing, or you arer being controlled.
I do not want to controll you.
My wife makes me happy, thank you very much, and there is only so much room on my couch!
Do what ever makes you happy, and I will do the same, and then we can all meet back here, in the middle of something bigger, than you can even concieve, at this point in your life!
What am I talking about?
Imagine this, because this is the best example, I can think up, at the moment.
Do you know that feeling you get, with you are really looking forward, to watching a new movie, like 2012!, compared to watching an old movie, that might have had, the twin towers images in it?
Have you forgotten what reality is, anymore?
Are you starting to get numb, or just not committing toi anything right now, because we are not in a recession, as som would lead you to believe.
My neibor is losing his house, and people are still getting killed in wars, when my option fixes that!
I could end the war today.
It's called retreat.
Quit thinking, it is an all, or nothing ego thing!
It is not!
It is in
Afganastan best interest, if they defeat us.
Sound crazy don't it.
Allow them the chance, to prove us wrong!
Quit making mistakes, that cost lifes!
Give up some ground, and allow them the chance to communicate.
They need a leader!
What happened to the last one?
Give them something to feel good about.
We need to communicate with them, about a good deal for both of us.
There country defeats us, because in the big picture, we need to deflate anyway!
We are winners, by allowing them the chance, to save face!
Now some of you might be saying!
Tim, America never looses?
That is not correct.
Most of the 100 wealthest people on Earth, never lose, but not you!
Unless you have enough money, to put everybody back to work, and fill back up their saving accounts, and credit cards, with much needed money, then you are losing now!
If you have to compermize your child education, based on money, you are losing?
If you have to second guess your Government, then you are losing!
I want you to win, and you question that?
This politics thing, is tuff, it really is!
I promise you everything for free, with positive perks, and you question that!
In my world, that is a problem!
I must be a stranger, and you think I am giving you candy!
You always wanted to use that thought process, and you decided to use it with me.
What a thought!
Allen Hunt thinks, one of his listeners, informs President Obama about some stuff off his show.
I have no problem with that, do you, or is that two much branding, by both parties?
Allen getting a chance to move up in the ratings, or President Obama,leading you to believe, that he is actually listening to somebody that is smart!
I have the greatest respect, for both men, because everybody in our culture, must play the game.
I decide from time to time, through out my life, to get off that game, as so many others have done, because they are either sick of the negativity, or scared of what they seeing.
I can not speak for your agenda, but my option is very easy!
I'm elected, because I am one of you.
I made it a point, to start from the bottom.
I wanted to feel, what you feel!
I did not want top be a community organizer, and be worth millions.
I would of gave it back, then, and now!
I do not do the bills, never have, and never will!
My wife informs me, how bad this week will be.
It seams like every week here lately, has been pretty bad!
How about you?
Grow, or being controlled!
I'm bored of being controlled, how about you?
I have no problem with general rules, but not ones geard toward making a buck!
Life needs to be a good deal, for all of us, not just a few, who decided that the other person has died, and now they have the control!
If we continue down the path we are going, by borrowing from Paul, to pay Peter, then my wife will never have good news again!
I like good news, how about you?
Do you feel life is giving you a good deal now, or the Government, has a better way?
A sign of a great leader, is learning to say "No!"
No we do not need to win this fight, to win the war!
There is a better way!
Good customer services, has never lost a war!
We ask questions, and listen, more than you expect!
People who listen, never lose!
My policy?
I can never be tougher on you, than you can be on your self!
Regardless who you are, you know the difference between right,
and wrong!
If you still support wrong, then we will help you get better at it, with out hurting your self, or anybody else.
Negative attention is real!
It is the natural opposite, to natural positive!
If you are looking for negative attention, then welcome to my thoughts.
Be as negative as you would like to be, please feel free to vent!
Get it all out!
If by chance you are positive, then what do you like to do, to keep from getting bored?
If you were an Orb, could you do it there as well?
You now must mentally play the game, with all the internal visuals you got!
How can I possibly be bored, and be changing history at the same time?
How about chess?
Mentally, that game can be fun!
How about video games, can you imagine playing them in your thoughts, in the afterlife?
Has anybody here, where ever here is to you.
Ever play River Raid, by activision, way back when?
My one brother James, used to love to play that game.
Please feel free to search it, and imagine playing that game as an Orb!
How about pain, or pleasure communication options?
We can do that.
Example, if Hitler wants to communicate, and is willing to call him self that name, in any communication contacts, then we will respect his intent, and give him all the pain, we can provide, but that depends on you!
Now if afterlife grandma Orb, decides she wants to go back to school, then we should provide that!
If the kids today, know that afterlife grandma Orb is still learning, then they will want to learn as well!
If the true strangers, regardless their position, as a human Orb, will rest knowing, that afterlife orbs, watches all petifiles, or drug dealers, that come close to your children!
I agree with you, besides people like Allen Hunt, and others like him, who can you trust?
Nobody, not even Allen Hunt!
Why, because it will always be in your best interest!
Yes it is true, i must of had a motivation power drink, or something, but it is trur, that you should trust nobody, because everybody has the ability to do anything one time!
It might of been out of their control, for what ever the reason, at that time, but the best way to protect against that, is to expect the worst, and the worst will never come, and that goes way past afterlife Orb tips, regardless if it is Grandma Orb, or Hitler!
Some afterlife Orb tips, will be treated as a tip, and nothing else!
Each tip will be measured.
What tip can, and should be measured?
That depends on you!
If you make it your goal, to do everything right, with in reason, then you have nothing to worry about.
That is your choise, not mine!
I will only be your President, based on what makes you happy, not me!
I'm just coming along for the ride!
Would you like to know what Positive feels like, when you get more of it, than you expected?
Tim Brewer, fixing 2012!
Tim Brewer has to toot his own horn, while others try, and make sense of it all!
Tim Brewer is crazy, in a good way!
I would like to take this time, and thank Martin, my official running mate, for 2012!
If by chance, you still have a hard time understanding me, please go find him at 700WLW forum, and he will be more than glad to help you.
Am I just plain crazy?
Thank you for thinking that, but you are wrong.
I just had a different experience, and I started it from the bottom.
Why, because I wanted to feel, what you feel!
If I could fix all these problems, with out you having to know, I would, but I knew going into this, that would not be the case!
I'm ready, are you?
On your mark, get ready, get set, go..........................
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Do you care about your family, or not?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I have now decided to be a writer after all, because you need more about the truth I will inform you about, until you are tired of playing the game chicken!
How close do you want to feel, what it will feel like, to live to the media worst case scenario for 2012?
How good of an American are you?
Life does go on, but you have to be willing to find it!
I have no problem giving you the answers to the test, if you are interested, regardless what you are doing through your life.
Who am I?
I'm a customer just like you, who got banned for life, from
Microsoft Access Forum, for communicating the truth!
Quick review:
Your media, and Government is not ready, for the media worst case scenario, for 2012!
I'm an expert for this field of science, but your Government, and media ignores me!
I take full responsibility for what I do!
I do not need to blame others, like Bush, or Obama, and the last I checked, other than my grammar, and spelling.
I have nothing to be sorry for!
My option can save you, it really can, if you give it a chance!
Please feel free, and worry, and wait, about the next big thing, all you like, but when 2012 comes; it's not my fault, if you do not take advantage of my safe, no obligation, free experiment, to save us all, from our self's, in the media worst case scenario, for "2012"
If you care about your family, then please inform them about my option.
What would it hurt?
I think I am going to Google that question, and I should be there some place!
All I can think about, is getting you home, safe,and free!
How hard is it to inform our children, that we are all Orbs, and that is what we think about!
Drink your coffee, and think about it any way you like, but long before that cup is empty, this option of mine, should be the best solution you know!
Nobody else, has a better one!
Because this option is the best!
My option does not discriminate, against a single person; alive, or not!
Having any luck, getting the media, to inform you about my option?
Would you like your safe, no obligation, free, afterlife, planner out of work?
This is the section, where you either do something positive, or you don't!
It can be anything!
A tweet, or anything in support!
Still not sure, if you want to buy into my option?
Rather buy into the media worst case scenario, for 2012?
Are not sure, if you buy into the media worst case scenario for 2012, as well?
Give them time, until your time runs out!
Either though such an experience, or through stress!
Your internal thoughts can do better, with me!
The power of thinking positive, and doing positive things, naturally!
Regardless the worst, we can do better!
We just need, to do this option faster!
The number one question this year!
"What would it hurt to support this safe, no obligation, free afterlife communication experiment?"
This is serious news!
They like to give you commentary, on everything else!
Have them do commentary on this option, with me.
Allow me the chance, to have the last word, with out there help!
Do it either way you like, but the bottom line is.
"You like!"
Not them, and a different agenda, that we do not have time to waste on, at this time!
The same people that made you feel good about Independence day, is now ready to head you toward doom, and gloom!
We can do better!
I'm into fun, not pain!
Welcome to the future!
Where is Brad Paisley, I bet he understands, what I am saying!
Everyday is a revolution, welcome to the future!
Look around it is all to clear, where ever we are going, well we are here!
So many things, I thought I never see, happening right in front of me!
Welcome to the future, what value meal do you want?
Pain, or pleasure?
Please feel free, to get Allen Hunt, take on this.
Am I right, or am I wrong, for trying to inform you about my option, against the media worst case scenario, for the year "2012!"
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own,
Tim Brewer
P.S. Reader cpmments are allowed here, they really are!
Human right issue!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Afterlife Orbs, should have rights, just like human Orbs do!
It's has never been about the color of your skin.
Believe it, or not, but we have some pretty smart people here on Earth, but they are not focused, at this time, on my option.
Please feel free, and ask your media!
If I am crazy, prove it!
How making it a good deal for everybody, a bad thing?
I'm an expert, in my field of life, based on the truth!
The people who are really being discriminated against, is the afterlife Orbs!
If I am elected in 2012, during the media worst case scenario for 2012,
I will free afterlife Orbs!
Because of the math, I can never be one of our original founding fathers,
but I can do the next best thing, for this moment in our history.
What can I do, if given the chance, with out a promoter?
Make positive History for you!
Imagine I am right, and they are just like the experiences, that near death experience people feel.
What would it hurt, to allow you the chance, to communicate back with humans?
Believe it, or not, but there is also some pretty smart afterlife Orbs, that can help us get smarter quicker, if given the chance.
Our success, is painting a better picture, than what is expected!
If you want gloom, and doom, just keep doing what you are doing.
Russian roulette, with your fate!
You are no better, if you thing in the box too much, than the people sitting on their houses in New Orleans, waiting for help!
Afterlife Orbs, need your help, not me.
I will beg for them, if that is what it must take, to free them!
I would give my life, for any human Orb, or afterlife Orb!
Why not just quit with the tagging, and go with one tag,
Friday, October 9, 2009
I'm glad to see it, Americans who care!
Paradigm comments about the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
If I am ever given the chance, can I turn them down?
I would only accept it, if you could prove, that I deserve it.
I do not believe, that President Obama believes it yet, as well.
The longer he takes, to turn it down, the more it reminds me of the Kennedy's!
I would of turn it down from the get go, unless you could sell me, and everybody else, that I deserve it.
I see human Orbs, what do you see?
Always do more, than what is expected, if you can, with what ever you have to work with. Not because you have too, but because you want too!
Fun, fun, fun, in a politically correct way, is the best way, as long as you follow good policies, and procedures.
Life should be a good deal, for all of you!
No exceptions, regardless where you live!
I should never see people hurting on this Earth, with all that we have to offer!
If our financial structure is so weak, that people are starving, then we do not have the right financial structure for the times!
Should we worry?
Not like we are doing now, all over the world, based on big boys, playing with big toys!
President Obama, needs my help, he really does!
He will not reach the goals he wants, with out my help.
I have had a different experience!
I did everything right, and I am on a different page.
Would you like to be on that same page, or take a page and make it your own.
Like it, or not, with all things being equal, afterlife communication is going to happen with somebody, and it might as well be us!
One thing about making an unscheduled pit stop, everything is always just a little different.
Hands on experience, is the best, if given the chance.
If I can do it, you could too!
I know where you are coming from, been there myself, until I had a different experience, that I could measure.
I take that experience, just like your past Oxy clean man.
Some things in life, just need done, and my safe, no obligation, free option is one of them.
What would it hurt?
Just do it!
Would Nike do it?
Would they support, an option like the one I am suggesting?
I would!
What would it hurt, even if afterlife Orbs, do not wear tennis shoes?
It shows they care!
Example: If the media asked them, if they support afterlife Orbs, what would be their response?
What would be yours?
I support safe, free, no obligation afterlife Orb research!
Do you?
Show you care!
You can do it!
What would it hurt?
Nothing can do anything, until you show, you care!
they do not have the ability, like me, to do more, than what you expect, with out a little help!
Help me, help them, and help you, as well!
I take full responsibilities for my internal thoughts
Why I was selected, to do what I do, can only be determined, by trying my safe, no obligation, free idea.
What would it hurt?
One way President Obama could get the "Brewer Play Book Award", is to help with the "Brewer Play Book"
We are on page 101, with afterlife communication today!
How it can help you actually earn these award you are getting.
I do not do it for the awards, I do it, because it is the right thing to do, like helping somebody, when their car is stuck in the snow, or smoke is coming out of their house, or what ever you can do, regardless, if you are still just a guy!
I had no control coming into this world, but thanks to you, I have a chance to share my thoughts, any time, I have the time.
I love to learn something new everyday, but I am not into negativity.
Please do that, if that is what you are into!
I offer you a chance to live longer, healthier, wiser, more informed, more educated, wealthier, safer, etc!
More wealth, and more time, with out having to do time, to get it!
What would that hurt?
Nothing can be something, if you let it!
Let it, it's good for business!
It's good for our culture!
It's good for security!
It's good for America!
It's something to write home about!!!
Welcome to my future,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What would it hurt?
What would it hurt, to be happy!
I provide you with eternal happy!
What does it hurt, to take advantage of that?
Respect your religion, like you have always done, just as long, as it don't hurt you, or anybody else, on our way, of everybody getting along!
Do we need to work toward a big brother?
I would imagine with the way this world is going, it would not hurt, to have a softer side to it, for now, as we make public problems go away.
Do what ever you like, in the private of your comfort zone, but in the public, do the best you can, with what you have to work with, and just be your self, as we explore this option, with open ended follow through, based on the support, that is behind it.
Positive support for you everyday is important, because it gives you a purpose, and it works, with religion, if religion is open to human Orbs, and later into afterlife orbs.
Blank orb of space, to human, to afterlife orb, and what you made of it, in that situation.
just watching, and thinking, and watching, and thinking, and watching, and thinking.
Imagine the right direction, wrong direction, options we are playing with here!
Orb makes the choice, with your help.
If you want to cave in to old information, or get the current stuff, then I imagine, if it pertains, to moving this option forward, in a timely fashion, then we need to perceive with it, as soon as possible, based on the time frame, as a result, of the media, worst case scenario for 2012, except how we do have a happy ending.
I provide you all with that happy ending, that is never an ending, but a constance.
Everything ever made, was imagined, because that came before structure, and if balanced correctly, and time permits, any problem can be solved, if you free your thoughts, of short term thoughts, and allow your inner thoughts, the chance to take you out of pain, and into pleasure.
Imagine this,
You are now an orb, and there is nothing you can do about it.
You can watch people play 8-ball, but you can not play, unless you have my option.
I provide you with all type of options, if you are interested, but all I can do is offer.
It takes somebody else, to do the same.
I'm here, let me know.
Don't believe me, about the time urgency, based on your profiling, or lack of time, to explore my long visual threads, but that is not my problem.
Other, do have the time, because they do have the time!
I wish I had more time, but I am salary, and that does come with some responsibilities, that limit my time, with this option.
Is it not better, if I am allowed the chance, to play to my strengths?
Grammar, and spelling is not it.
What do you want it to be?
I am very flexible, and I am always willing to learn, if time permits.
I do say "no" to situations, that I feel is a waste of time, just like you can decide about me, but at least you got a chance to decide about me.
Does anybody ever read any of my information?
I do not know, how do I find out?
What would it hurt to hear me out, through a free experiment?
Sound to good to be true, or they would of done it a long time ago?
No, not if they were looking at it, from the wrong perspective.
If Albert Einstein ever said it was possible, then we would be looking at it, from the right perspective.
As great as Albert was, he did make an equation that could never be done, until he was told it could be done.
Albert talked about how the imagination has the ability to do everything, in one way, or another, and my thoughts do it, with little, or no effort.
Take a chance on me, and I will not let you down!
I am allowing my inner thoughts, the opportunity, to take me out of pain, and into pleasure, with this option, and that is where we are at.
Now you are up to date!
Just waiting for the chance!
Thinking positive, and keeping my energy levels up high, expecting media attention for ratings at anytime!
I'm the swing candidate, on short noticed, based on laziness from me.
Many people get into politics, around age 50, and I just want to go to the top, after, and only after, my option works, or at least not get paid, until it works!
Go kick the tires, and think about my option, if there is anybody out there!
I do not bel;ieve the wife would have a problem, if I helped you with this option, but she does like to try, and pay some of the bills!
Things do get better, if you want them too!
Positive does happen, if you elect for it to happen!
My option is a good thing, if you allow it to be a good thing!
Can you do that soon?
Just a thought, it's all i got, what about you?
I do not make this stuff up!
Take two!
Just a thought. with what I got!
It's the climb!
I am no different that you, except I had a different experience.
A positive one, like the rat pack, for example!
They did it there way, how about you!
I guess I am a bad boy human orb!
Tim Brewer
I will be back, how about you?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blunt talk about afterlife Orb communication?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
They say that 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife.
What is science doing to help?
Very little.
They do not see the value in it yet.
Bottom line!
What value is there, in communicating with Afterlife Orbs?
How about ending wars!
How about protecting your kids!
How about protecting you!
How about a higher quality of life!
How about eternal love!
How about getting, a better paying job!
How about fixing our Government!
How about fixing our economy!
How about fixing health care!
How about fixing social security!
Would you like me to go on?
What do you need to do, to help science, the Government, and the media to understand this value more?
Inform them about me!
Bottom line!
Stick me on one of those public TV channels, and allow me the chance to explain it better.
What would that hurt?
Not interested, then change the channel!
What do I ask for in return?
The same thing afterlife
Orbs have been complaining about for years.
What are my qualifications?
I have had a different experience, than you.
I have had a near death experience, and from that experience I bring you this.
BrainGate, and machines like it.
In 2005, Braingate was the first machine to communicate with your thoughts.
Not one of you, but all of you, if you will let it.
As a human, it is easier to do things with your body, but that is not the case, for afterlife Orbs.
They need this type of science to help them.
It is time,that we quit thinking about our self, on the short term, and start helping all afterlife Orbs, with the long term.
I believe that the year 2012, has the potential to bring us closer to harms way, than ever before, based on so many early indicators, like your media making that year out, to be the worst case scenario.
What if it is, and Earth is gone, is your life over?
Not at all!
You still have so many options, but it all start right here, with what I am informing you about.
I did not make up the media worst case scenario for 2012, they did, but I can help to fix it, if given the chance!
I have been focused on this option for many years, and now we need to act!
Why now?
2012 is not that far away, and to get the best results, we need to get started now!
I did not stutter!
My option helps you, and there concern, could destroy you!
Who wants to be destroyed anyway?
I would call that a pain, how about you?
I offer a safe, no obligation, free option!
What do they offer?
Still having a hard time relating to this option?
Please feel free to watch the movie "Knowing" again, until you are in the right mind set.
Counting on aliens to come save your kids, in a situation like that?
Hope all you like, or be in denial all you like.
My option is safe, no obligation, if I am wrong, and it is free!
So regardless, if the media worst case scenario happens in 2012, or not, you are protected!
What exactly are you protected from?
Total isolation from everybody you know.
Who do you know, that can help you with this problem, other than me?
President Obama?
What has he done so far to help you?
Talk is cheap, as mine is, if not given the chance to explain it better, through your help!
Am I crazy?
Find out!
Have your media find out!
Do what you have to do right now, to protect your self, your family, and your friends!
Believe it, or not, but people like me has been helping you, long before others decided they know it all!
Will my option work, regardless the fact, that my spelling, and grammar sucks?
Please allow me the chance to show you, what would it hurt?
If given the chance, I could do it today!!!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Tim Brewer, Martin, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck for 2012!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tim Brewer ... Alert!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Why do I always start out that way?
It kind of reminds me of, "mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is this Tim Brewer guy, who thinks he knows it all?"
Time will tell, if my internal thoughts, do indeed know a lot more, than first expected.
Side Bar:
What am I into, when I am not managing, or focused on this option?
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that.
For some reason, my internal thoughts, are big into politics, like it will be second nature to me, when the time comes.
Am I living out my dream, or am I living out my injternal thoughts?
If I had my choice, I would still be imagining, in my parents old gravel driveway, while I played with my Matchbox, and hotwheel cars.
Who in their right mind, would want to be President?
I do not do it for the power, or a book deal.
I do it, because it will go hand, and hand with other issues, that must be faced in the future!
Do you see the difference, between Star Trek protecting you, and how our country does it?
Mistakes all over the place!
They make more mistakes, than my spelling, and grammar put together!
Anyway, my thought process, under the topic, Tim Brewer will be changing soon.
Some wonder why I asked myself questions from time to time.
Looks like I did it again!
Anyway, it is because nobody else is doing it, in your fair, and balance reporting, everyday!
Maybe everybody just believe i should stick to blogs, because it would be embarresing to inform the media, because they might think you are crazy, or something.
Guess what?
You are, if you let my option die, with the lie you have been told all your life!
Regardless what you think of my thoughts, what you know about my thoughts, or things we have not even thought about, and to profile me in a way, that would surely shhot you in the foot, regardless what place that might be, in your thoughts, but you would still be wrong, because you single handedly said no, to afterlife Orb rights, based on nothing that you have right, about this option right now.
I am sorry, that you can not refresh this topic everyday, as it should, b ecause it would save so much time!
Like it, or not, but I need your support, from time to time, or at least inform me, if I am going the wrong way, but do not stop me!
Stop me, and you stop your self!
Here is the scenario I do not want to see, and that is you finally figuring out that I might be right, and you only wished you would of asked me more questions, before I died!
What is my perceived pain, or perceived pleasure with you?
That depends on you!
What can you handle?
How about the perfect crime?
Unless you use my services, you will never even know, if is happening, before you inplode!
What am I informing you about?
If others, from other groups, or countries, are allowed the chance to do my free experiment first, then they could have the ability to rule the world, and there would not be a single thing we could do to stop it.
Afterlife Orb communication, is an all, or nothing option!
We have seen what the nothing option has gotten us so far!
We now, more than ever, need to stop thinking stupid, in these times, of so many problems, and give my option a shot!
What would it hurt?
Do you ever feel you are doing it all?
Bottom line!
This is a grass root effort on my part, to inform everybody, about other options on the table, just in case you did not already know!
Please feel free to comment, either bad, or good, depending on what right, or wrong direction, I should be going, because all I can do is assume!
Do you want to know more about me growing up?
As long as I am not getting this important media attention, then I have time to talk about anything you like.
Fake Tim question time again!
Is there any part, of your safe, no obligation, free, measurable, afterlife, orb, experiment; that can not be justified doing?
No down side to my option!
Am I sane, or insane?
Test me quickly, and make up your mind.
I am not trying to rush you, to scare you, but seriously speaking.
I do not make this stuff up!
Everything takes it's allotted amount of time, and bring your own tea!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own today!
Tim Brewer, and the lovely Sarah Palin, if she would have me for a few years!
I have no problem working side by side with President Obama right now, if I am allowed to have Sarah Palin right now, as my helper, as
I do this.
Give her what ever name title you want, because I am not into that.
Side bar:
Just a quick internal thought, as I ramble on.
Sorry, lost it!
Who would have a problem with us all running the White house for a while?
Don't they have enough room for all of us there?
Sarah gets a room, with her husband, and I get one with my wife.
I have no problem doing the graveyard shift, while the rest of them sleep.
I once made friends,with some of the homeless in Washington, when I was walking the streets at night, after a convention, I was in town for.
This was also during the time, that somebody was suppose to be in a white van, while they are shooting people.
A lot of this was happening, while I was site seing, and helped by some of the homeless.
Homeless people helping me!
What a concept!
Looking at the White house from a far, and wishing I had a hellocopter, like that one.
That is what they should call it, because you can sure get around quicker, in something like that!
Side bar:
So how do I really know, how many people actually follow my invisible thoughts?
Is it one, like my mon , or dad, or is it even bigger?
As I said before, I suck in a lot of ways, allowing me more time, to focus on my internal thoughts, that are trying to take me out of pain, and into pleasure.
You would think, as much as I promise, in so many ways, to make your life better, you would put an effort, to get me in that place, to make it happen fast!
Can you handle fast?
I can; do it effortlessly!
I am not bragging, stating a fact!
My blood preasure is so low, you can not hear it with a seashell.
What do I mean by that?
They say, the noise you hear in a seachell, is your blood preasure.
If that is true, then I hear nothing.
How internal do you have to go, to hear nothing?
I did not stutter, I hear nothing!
I do not know my cell phone number, but I know where to get it.
ld also like to hear what Sarah as to say, as I try, and bring all parties back to reality, regardless how my letters, just went south for the winter, and we can figure out the rest, after President Obama, has gone to bed.
xxx unedited xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Anyway, I met a lot of interesting people, while in Washington, and I have no problem covering second, or third shift at the Whitehouse, on a future President mentor thing, with Sarah Palin. I welcome the chance to hear Obama side of everything, or even Biden, and all the rest, but I wou
xxxx do you remember that section above, that went off track, that is where you need to go, to get the rest of this fair, and balance reporting.
What do you expect for free!
Paradigm Hope=; hope you asked for it some where, it's Free!!!
So who is right, the ones who are brain washing you, or me?
I offer to be measured, what do they offer?
I rest my case!
Where is 60 Minutes, for there comments, as they continue to lose their own.
My invisible reality, is you!
Don't want some bad things to get out, or are you worried that your mother-n-law has been watching you from the afterlife, and youi afre afraid what they might say?
Guess what, they are not allowed to say!
This is privledge information, exchanged, everything at first, must be measured.
I read some place, where somebody wished Patrick Swayze, would rest in peace!
That is one way to look at it, but what if you are wrong.
Have we ever been wrong as a country before?
Every night, I can go to bed on any problem, you have my word on that. I usually use the big ones for that, and then I catergrize, all the rest.
Anything that could give me percieved pain, usually topped my list, to the point, that nobody can be tougher on me, than I can my self, and trying to find a happy balance there, with everything else.
Please explore this afterlife communication science, and have a open mind, because there is so much information here, that it will take a long time to cover it all, but the "A" list here, is not exploring this topic past, but where do we need to go now, to make it happen.
I do not ramble on, about my option for my health, but for my internal thought, percieved health.
In short!
If he looks like santa, and he acts like santa, then please allow him the chance to be Santa!
Even though, I promise to do my free experiment, any time, if given the chance. I still have no problem meeting that request, but if it continues, like it is doing now, then I have no problem, having this option aviable, the same time I gave it all to you, last Christmas!
This year, will make it our second year, with out getting the chance, to change life as we know it.
Do I really believe, afterlife communications is possible?
I would not waste your time, if I did not believe that was the case!
Do you remember what it felt like, the first time you drove over a real big bridge?
I'm the wire guy for that bridge, and then some, in thought!
Do you believe your actions with the afterlife, are really "wowing" them right now?
They are just waiting, orb, over orb, for you to inform them, that you were on to me, and you were saying?
Has anybody asked you to look at your afterlife orb portfolio yet?
What you got there in that filing cabinet in yout thoughts?
You got pictures?
Mental pictures?
Get up off the floor, and work with me here!
There is only two options, right?
Commentary, based on more drama, than any one could stand!
I believe that so many people have been walking away from their news, because they can not stand the pain!
They would rather, inter act with afterlife on the web, and have a better quality human life, as a result of it, that it turns out to be a good deal for everybody.
Too many warnings on the web, and you are forced, to watch the Bengals game last week!
Everything in life takes it's allotted amount of time, and the foundation, for my time senitive option, is no different, regardless how many times I bring that up!
How did time play a part in the movie "Independence day"?
I'm sorry, I am not related to the President, in some way, as they were in the movie "Independence day!"
I believe one day, that it will be the requirement of every kid, to learn how to use grammar, and spelling better, than I!
I'm one of those type of people, where you say, I can do better than him in so many different ways!
I open doors for you to explore through out eterity!
If you want to call me a fool, and shut those doors on your self, then that is your option, but don't do it, with out first t5hinking about this first.
Why did we just have some good founding fathers, at one pont in our life, and if theyt were so ggod, did they leave a door fopr us to even stretch, and grow, and even get better!
Do I sound like a positive professor?
My option is for the poor, or anybody else!
You can go to the libraury, or over to your friends house, and do a book report about me.
I am free!
What ever your school wants, it is some place in my option, for a better tomorow!
Jay Leno could have a field day with me, with out even having to bring up my mother.
Jay Leno, potential comment:
"How can you trust our self, to follow somebody into the future, who can not even spell the words, to get us there?"
Hit me with your best shot, because we all need a good laugh, in this crazy world we are living in.
Sad, but it is true!
I knew there was a reason, I became a Carpenter, even though I never had the desire to be one.
Anybody you know, from any books that you read, use to be a Carpenter?
It's not like I ran out last week, and finished a two year course!
I learned to think like a Carpenter, and then some!
I am not a God, but if compare my option, to what you have to work with now, I do believe I have the better plan, regardless what open ended paradigm, we are into!
Everything we are doing, in this open sea of invisible thought can be measured!
There is two sides to this option, even if you have not given it, the time of day!
All I can say, it slow down and truly listen to your inner thoughts, and see if they agree with my inner thoughts, if this is a good deal for everybody, and yes, there will be some give, and taqke, as we sort through all the information in a timely manner, but before we can get to that point.
I am not the bad guy here, or that there is one bad guy here!
Did I bother to mention, that my option eliminates jails, and prisons?
I don't even waste my time, thinking about different problems my option can fix, because there is so many, at this time, that I do not have the time!
As sad as that might sound, it is true!
I have to spend more of my time, promoting myself, than being allowed to fix the problems, I could be fixing!
I am so far down the food chain right now, who knows when my number will come up!
Am I going for the Burt Reynolds pity something?
I'm still a guy!
Thank you for reading my ramble, as i scramble somewhere else tonight, in thought.
I understand, that a lot of you, have a hard time relating to me, because you have not had a near death experience before.
That is not my fault, regardless how well in the future I do, at getting better, at explaining this option. You could do better helping me, for free with it now!
I would like the chance to run for office in the future, for free, just the Internet.
It save money, and it saves time, and some of you are into that, but the best solution, is get me in there now, with Sarah Palin, and you decide what works best for you!
Reality 101!
Please feel free to let me visit the White House, and then decise, any reality way you like, if you want me to stay there, or not!
You can even include my relitives!
Do we have a deal?
Who want's to make a deal with me?
If you are stuck on my spelling, and grammor, then this option of mine, is way over any late night joke, we all could think up, if that is what you are into.
I do not want to control, but to help you grow, any time, you feel, you got it!
If you truly got it, in a positive way, then please fell free to spread this information, regardless how you explain it, and allow this natural option, of afterlife orb communication, the chance to grow, and get better, as it grows.
What would it hurt?
The number one family afterlife orb fued question!
What would it hurt, regardless what side of this option, you are on.
Please find a way, to support me, or explain, why you do not!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
When will President Obama, come visit me?
Do I live on the island of Misfits, or something?
What part line must he cross, to interact with me?
Place us on 60 Minutes, or face the nation!
I really do not care, other than to point out, that I still have more experience, than he does.
I am not hollow, I am full of it!
at can make new jobs!
You decide how much you can handle!
Please feel free to take flight one night, over Dayton, Ohio, and think about my option, for just a moment.
I offered it to Patrick Swayze, but he never got the information, to comment on.
You do!
I offer an option that President Obama needs, imagination, that makes new jobs!
Something that has not happened in 15 years!
I am not bragging, when I can do it effortlessly, naturally, or even do
better, if given the chance.
Do they have a better plan?
Either you are growing, or you are controlling!
I come from the state of growing!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tim Brewer, and Sarah Palin right now!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
As President Obama said's it so confidently, when he saids,
Not this time!
When was his last time?
When was it, that he went from having no experience, to having all the experience?
He is pretty dangerious, with his check book!
I am a safer option, because I provide a no obligation free, option.
I do not want to control you, like some plan to do!
I am into growing our economy, not controlling it!
I am into making the world safer, not controlling it!
I am into providing you with options, not lies!
I'm running on the customer voter, comes first ticket!
My services, have nothing to do with me.
It's all about you, every one of you!
I would imagine, if the media was actually balanced.
You would of heard something about me, by now!!!!!!!!
On the surface, my option looks real good, and as long as your fair, and balance news, ignores me.
That is all I will ever be.
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
There is no obligation on your part, but if by chance, you were once like me, who actually believed, that our Government, was supposed to do everything right, so we did not have to worry about it everyday!
Side Bar:
Tim Brewer current media blog.
People like me, never expire!
Profile us, anyway you like, but 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife, and the last time I heard about ratings like that, was the ones Sarah Palin was having in Alaska!
If people believe in it, then why not give them what they want.
Where do you have a problem with this, the front end, or the back end?
Would you like to know more about the next President of this country, from the great state of Ohio!
Who do you know for there?
Joe the plummer?
Tim, the pizza guy!
Thomas A. Edison
The Wright Brothers!
I sure would like the chance to interact with Allen Hunt,Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Neil Bortz, Barbra Walters, Larry King, President Obama, the radio host from 700WLW, until you know me, better, than I know myself, but regardless how you profile me through out life, I am a good deal for you, I really am, and I take full responsibility for saying that!
Please join me, regardless what you are into, and help take back this world!
We are too smart, to play dumb any longer, bickering over every drama you can think of, and it all takes it toll!
I heard one of the oldest people on Earth died lately, and they said that this person lived that long, because they did not worry about everything.
I do not worry, because I have been to heaven, and I know what we should do next, if you are interested.
Who am I?
Ask your commentary, news media people, to check into it, and find out.
What would it hurt?
Am I crazy, or am I right!
You decide, with the best you got!
Dr. Phil, Larry King, or anybody else you like, but all I ask, is the chance to walk through the next best thing!
I'm sorry, that it is free for now, but give it time, and I have no doubt, that it will be showing up in a Robb Report, before too long, unless they are controlling their business.
Time will tell, for any media outlet, with that question.
Is your media balanced, if you never hear anything about me?
Call me crazy, but you would think, that me house would look something like Keven Cstner's house did, in Swing Vote!
Why waste time, getting the daily balance of open ended future balance, you might need, just in case I am right!
It took exactly ten thousand tries, before Edison built a better light bulb, and I am expected to learn from his mistakes?
I believe I have!
One of the worlds greatest inventors, from Ohio, Thomas A. Edison, believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Dead is such a negative word.
Afterlife Orb's, rocks!
Is it not better to live, but always have a comfortable, back up afterlife plan, just in case you are wrong, with your first one.
Is it possible, that you could be wrong, with your afterlife option.
I do!
Because I can see it, just like you can see any home improvement plan, you have around the house.
If you can see it, touch it, and feel it, then it is a done deal!
Now, I like to think, that my option will make it a good deal for everybody, but that depends a lot on you!
We are going to have a news channel that reports facts, and then you can watch your commentary, on their sister channel.
I would imagine by now, that President Obama, and Sarah Palin, is quite aware of me by now, and I would imagine our government, has checked me out, from time to time, and they probally profile me, as safe, but very openionated.
I try. and be politically correct, based on what I havce to work with, and I am always open for suggestions.
Who am I?
Anybody you want me to be!
You are the voters, and my budget is free!
I want your support, but I do not want your money!
What you see, is what you get, based on balance reporting, from the media.
On the food chain, I am one step above somebody willing to hold a cardboard sign, to feed his family!
Bill Cunningham, from 700WLW, was right, when he said the only change you will have, will be the change in your pockets!
My name is Tim Brewer, and one day, I will lead the cardboard sign parade to History, and we will fix this Government problem real fast, based on you, and you, and you, and you!
It's not about me, or Sarah Palin, it never was!
It has always been about You!
I will live through any pain i must do, to make you happy, as you profile me through your life, but if I am crazy, because I want to make your life better, then why not give me that crazy chance!
Either prove me wrong, or get out of the way!
Good people, just like you, taking back the world!
There is no obligation on your part, but if by chance, you were once like me, who actually believed, that our Government, was supposed to do everything right, so we did not have to worry about it everyday!
Side Bar:
Tim Brewer current media blog.
People like me, never expire!
Profile us, anyway you like, but 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife, and the last time I heard about ratings like that, was the ones Sarah Palin was having in Alaska!
If people believe in it, then why not give them what they want.
Where do you have a problem with this, the front end, or the back end?
Would you like to know more about the next President of this country, from the great state of Ohio!
Who do you know for there?
Joe the plummer?
Tim, the pizza guy!
Thomas A. Edison
The Wright Brothers!
I sure would like the chance to interact with Allen Hunt,Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Neil Bortz, Barbra Walters, Larry King, President Obama, the radio host from 700WLW, until you know me, better, than I know myself, but regardless how you profile me through out life, I am a good deal for you, I really am, and I take full responsibility for saying that!
Please join me, regardless what you are into, and help take back this world!
We are too smart, to play dumb any longer, bickering over every drama you can think of, and it all takes it toll!
I heard one of the oldest people on Earth died lately, and they said that this person lived that long, because they did not worry about everything.
I do not worry, because I have been to heaven, and I know what we should do next, if you are interested.
Who am I?
Ask your commentary, news media people, to check into it, and find out.
What would it hurt?
Am I crazy, or am I right!
You decide, with the best you got!
Dr. Phil, Larry King, or anybody else you like, but all I ask, is the chance to walk through the next best thing!
I'm sorry, that it is free for now, but give it time, and I have no doubt, that it will be showing up in a Robb Report, before too long, unless they are controlling their business.
Time will tell, for any media outlet, with that question.
Is your media balanced, if you never hear anything about me?
Call me crazy, but you would think, that me house would look something like Keven Cstner's house did, in Swing Vote!
Why waste time, getting the daily balance of open ended future balance, you might need, just in case I am right!
It took exactly ten thousand tries, before Edison built a better light bulb, and I am expected to learn from his mistakes?
I believe I have!
One of the worlds greatest inventors, from Ohio, Thomas A. Edison, believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Dead is such a negative word.
Afterlife Orb's, rocks!
Is it not better to live, but always have a comfortable, back up afterlife plan, just in case you are wrong, with your first one.
Is it possible, that you could be wrong, with your afterlife option.
I do!
Because I can see it, just like you can see any home improvement plan, you have around the house.
If you can see it, touch it, and feel it, then it is a done deal!
Now, I like to think, that my option will make it a good deal for everybody, but that depends a lot on you!
We are going to have a news channel that reports facts, and then you can watch your commentary, on their sister channel.
I would imagine by now, that President Obama, and Sarah Palin, is quite aware of me by now, and I would imagine our government, has checked me out, from time to time, and they probally profile me, as safe, but very openionated.
I try. and be politically correct, based on what I havce to work with, and I am always open for suggestions.
Who am I?
Anybody you want me to be!
You are the voters, and my budget is free!
I want your support, but I do not want your money!
What you see, is what you get, based on balance reporting, from the media.
On the food chain, I am one step above somebody willing to hold a cardboard sign, to feed his family!
Bill Cunningham, from 700WLW, was right, when he said the only change you will have, will be the change in your pockets!
My name is Tim Brewer, and one day, I will lead the cardboard sign parade to History, and we will fix this Government problem real fast, based on you, and you, and you, and you!
It's not about me, or Sarah Palin, it never was!
It has always been about You!
I will live through any pain i must do, to make you happy, as you profile me through your life, but if I am crazy, because I want to make your life better, then why not give me that crazy chance!
Either prove me wrong, or get out of the way!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
...9/13/09, and here is what is in the news.
Finally an image of Tim Brewer
...9/13/09, and here is what is in the news.
Finally an image of Tim Brewer
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I'm sorry, if you thought I was this Tim Brewer
I'm the other Tim Brewer, you know, your free life, and afterlife planner.
Legalize afterlife, and you fix the economy. It's that simple!
Any comments?
It's called give, and take.
You want to take over health care, then give us something more than what we expect!
Afterlife Orbs should have equal rights!
By giving afterlife Orbs right, in turn you are giving humans rights as well, by extending their potential ability to pay taxes, and bills. All the while exploring the possibility more seriously!
Why go to forien lands, and only drill there?
We now have the ability, thanks to BrainGate, to drill something of our own.
Are own potential!
What problem could you have with allowing afterlife the chances you are given?
There over head is low, but their potential is great!
How much health care will they cost over eterity?
Very low!
It pays to have afterlife Orbs!
What part of my free afterlife communication option, do you have a problem with?
Before you die, or after you die?
Everything in life comes down to pain, or pleasure on some level, as you continue through a percieved right direction, wrong direction.
How long do you want to waste, going the wrong direction?
You are not getting any younger!
How long do you want to live in pain, when your life could be so much better now?
If some of you, as you try, and comperhend my option, want to continue to believe, I am crazy, then prove it, or move over, and help me make this happen!
I have a passion for this option, because I know it can be done!
This option though, is just a small part of the bigger picture!
You truly want a greener world, then by all means, get over my spelling, and my grammor, because that is not what this option is about.
The Rain man can not dress himself, and Professor Steven Hawkins, is having problems as well, and President Obama needs help right now!
He needs my option to come from me, not from him!
He needs to allow me the chance, to sink, or swim!
Please feel free to hold me accountable, and give me the tools to do it right!
I can do it free, but you get what you pay for!
If you want all the bells, and whistles, then we can do that as well!
What do i mean by that, if you want my text information better, then get me an assistant.
Somebody who can explain me better, than I can myself!
Believe it, or not, but there are some people out there, who can do that!
I love to analyze, not because I have too, but because I want too!
I hate to be bored!
Do you like to be bored?
How about eternity?
Your internal energy, has long as you known it, has had the ability to keep you out of pain, and into pleasure. The only time it has not done that, is when you elected to get in the way!
It has to be a good deal, for your inner thoughts, and you!
You may assume this, or that, but you are wrong!
Fact, I did not stutter!
Sure there are outside forces, through out life, regardless when it happens, that your internal thoughts might experience unexpected pain, from unexpected events, but day in, and day out, you are responsible for your internal thoughts!
Just like your kids, you always have them!
Please feel free to speak to elderly people, and they will inform you, that there mind never gets old. The only exception to that, is desease, but that is only limited, while you are a human.
As Helen Keller shown, when she experienced her near death experience, that sight is possible, from the inside out!
People go on, and on, about how America, had the greatest founding fathers, and iof that is the case, or not. I do not know, but how can you ignore Edison. No, he was not a founding father, but he comes in a close second!
Now when one of the worlds greatest in ventors, if not the greatest, after my experiment is tried, support my option!
I did not know that, at the time of the thought, but as a reference, he seams to be a good one.
How about this one, Jesus!
Was he not the guy who had that out of body experience?
I think they call it a ressurection, or something like that!
He proved it in the Bible, and Edison believed it was possible!
So who should support me?
Religion, private sector, upset voters, The Government, President Obama, Woman who wants true eternal love, etc!
What is the down side?
You change the meaining to death!
You inform the Grim Reaper, that you are not going to take it anymore!
"The Grim Reaper might get our suit, but he don't get our internal thoughts!"
Tim Brewer, your first, and only free, official life, and afterlife planner!
Do you ever feel like you are doing it all!
We have to work someplace!
Be it here, or in the afterlife!
What brings you to Ohio?
Damn, if I know!
Everything in life happens for a reason, and I am no different!
If I inform you, that you need to hold me accountable, as soon as possible, then you really should hold me accountable, as soon as possible!
I will make mistakes, everybody does, but at least we will finally be going in the right direction!
What do I mean by that?
Thomas A. Edison believed it was possible in his day, and all it would of took to make it happen then, was for the President of the United states, to support him!
Your value as a human is to great, to ignore this option any longer!
Freedom for afterlife Orbs!
I guess that makes me an, life, afterlife planner lobbyest!
No pork with my option, unless you want all the bells, and whistles, because you can see this option as good as I can!
Either you are growing, or controlling, during your right direction, wrong direction, percieved, pain, or pleasure life!
Believe it, or not, but my references will check out!
Fact, with no ego included!
What would make me happy?
I like to see the day, where we all can go to Michigan, and play hooky!
I'm sorry, if you thought I was this Tim Brewer
I'm the other Tim Brewer, you know, your free life, and afterlife planner.
Legalize afterlife, and you fix the economy. It's that simple!
Any comments?
It's called give, and take.
You want to take over health care, then give us something more than what we expect!
Afterlife Orbs should have equal rights!
By giving afterlife Orbs right, in turn you are giving humans rights as well, by extending their potential ability to pay taxes, and bills. All the while exploring the possibility more seriously!
Why go to forien lands, and only drill there?
We now have the ability, thanks to BrainGate, to drill something of our own.
Are own potential!
What problem could you have with allowing afterlife the chances you are given?
There over head is low, but their potential is great!
How much health care will they cost over eterity?
Very low!
It pays to have afterlife Orbs!
What part of my free afterlife communication option, do you have a problem with?
Before you die, or after you die?
Everything in life comes down to pain, or pleasure on some level, as you continue through a percieved right direction, wrong direction.
How long do you want to waste, going the wrong direction?
You are not getting any younger!
How long do you want to live in pain, when your life could be so much better now?
If some of you, as you try, and comperhend my option, want to continue to believe, I am crazy, then prove it, or move over, and help me make this happen!
I have a passion for this option, because I know it can be done!
This option though, is just a small part of the bigger picture!
You truly want a greener world, then by all means, get over my spelling, and my grammor, because that is not what this option is about.
The Rain man can not dress himself, and Professor Steven Hawkins, is having problems as well, and President Obama needs help right now!
He needs my option to come from me, not from him!
He needs to allow me the chance, to sink, or swim!
Please feel free to hold me accountable, and give me the tools to do it right!
I can do it free, but you get what you pay for!
If you want all the bells, and whistles, then we can do that as well!
What do i mean by that, if you want my text information better, then get me an assistant.
Somebody who can explain me better, than I can myself!
Believe it, or not, but there are some people out there, who can do that!
I love to analyze, not because I have too, but because I want too!
I hate to be bored!
Do you like to be bored?
How about eternity?
Your internal energy, has long as you known it, has had the ability to keep you out of pain, and into pleasure. The only time it has not done that, is when you elected to get in the way!
It has to be a good deal, for your inner thoughts, and you!
You may assume this, or that, but you are wrong!
Fact, I did not stutter!
Sure there are outside forces, through out life, regardless when it happens, that your internal thoughts might experience unexpected pain, from unexpected events, but day in, and day out, you are responsible for your internal thoughts!
Just like your kids, you always have them!
Please feel free to speak to elderly people, and they will inform you, that there mind never gets old. The only exception to that, is desease, but that is only limited, while you are a human.
As Helen Keller shown, when she experienced her near death experience, that sight is possible, from the inside out!
People go on, and on, about how America, had the greatest founding fathers, and iof that is the case, or not. I do not know, but how can you ignore Edison. No, he was not a founding father, but he comes in a close second!
Now when one of the worlds greatest in ventors, if not the greatest, after my experiment is tried, support my option!
I did not know that, at the time of the thought, but as a reference, he seams to be a good one.
How about this one, Jesus!
Was he not the guy who had that out of body experience?
I think they call it a ressurection, or something like that!
He proved it in the Bible, and Edison believed it was possible!
So who should support me?
Religion, private sector, upset voters, The Government, President Obama, Woman who wants true eternal love, etc!
What is the down side?
You change the meaining to death!
You inform the Grim Reaper, that you are not going to take it anymore!
"The Grim Reaper might get our suit, but he don't get our internal thoughts!"
Tim Brewer, your first, and only free, official life, and afterlife planner!
Do you ever feel like you are doing it all!
We have to work someplace!
Be it here, or in the afterlife!
What brings you to Ohio?
Damn, if I know!
Everything in life happens for a reason, and I am no different!
If I inform you, that you need to hold me accountable, as soon as possible, then you really should hold me accountable, as soon as possible!
I will make mistakes, everybody does, but at least we will finally be going in the right direction!
What do I mean by that?
Thomas A. Edison believed it was possible in his day, and all it would of took to make it happen then, was for the President of the United states, to support him!
Your value as a human is to great, to ignore this option any longer!
Freedom for afterlife Orbs!
I guess that makes me an, life, afterlife planner lobbyest!
No pork with my option, unless you want all the bells, and whistles, because you can see this option as good as I can!
Either you are growing, or controlling, during your right direction, wrong direction, percieved, pain, or pleasure life!
Believe it, or not, but my references will check out!
Fact, with no ego included!
What would make me happy?
I like to see the day, where we all can go to Michigan, and play hooky!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Hello, my name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife planner.
What experience do I have?
I have seen heaven, just like 650 million people on average will do at some point in their life.
What am I talking about?
People who have near death experiences, are the best we have, when it comes to seeing heaven.
What is heaven like?
Expecting a gate, or something different?
It will be different, at least if it was like my experience.
You do a lot of floating, but the view is about the same as you see now.
The biggest problem you face in heaven is this,
Your rights to communicate!
In America, you are free to communicate, but not heaven.
You are free to float around in heaven America, but you are not provided with any tools to communicate.
You are free to be lost in heaven America, but when it comes to interacting with you as an Orb, forget it!
America does not reconize heaven, or any Orb that is a part of that.
Some even laugh at the possibility!
I see nothing funny about it, especially if you enjoy communicating.
I see nothing funny about an option that is so easy to do, it is not funny!
I understand that some feel they will go to hell when they die.
You just might with your thoughts, but not with mine!
What do I mean by that?
If you could imagine heaven, as the clear space above your head right now, and hell as a place where you are nevfer given the chance to interact from that space.
Imagine your whole life, that your only ability to interact, was through a cell phone, with a bad connection.
Fighting through thought, your whole life, trying to get your message out, and regardless .
If by chance, you get a chance to get your message through thought to one person who might be able to hear you, who would it be?
How about Thomas A. Edison, during his time on this Earth?
If i was filling out references, that support my effort, then he would be one of them, because he did believe it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Who else, through out history, supports my option?
I will inform you in my next post!
Side bar: My wife can not stand to listen to me, when she is sick, because I bounce from this topic, to that, like it is nothing, and she has a hard time keeping up with me, during that time.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I will be back!s
Hello, my name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free, life, and afterlife planner.
What experience do I have?
I have seen heaven, just like 650 million people on average will do at some point in their life.
What am I talking about?
People who have near death experiences, are the best we have, when it comes to seeing heaven.
What is heaven like?
Expecting a gate, or something different?
It will be different, at least if it was like my experience.
You do a lot of floating, but the view is about the same as you see now.
The biggest problem you face in heaven is this,
Your rights to communicate!
In America, you are free to communicate, but not heaven.
You are free to float around in heaven America, but you are not provided with any tools to communicate.
You are free to be lost in heaven America, but when it comes to interacting with you as an Orb, forget it!
America does not reconize heaven, or any Orb that is a part of that.
Some even laugh at the possibility!
I see nothing funny about it, especially if you enjoy communicating.
I see nothing funny about an option that is so easy to do, it is not funny!
I understand that some feel they will go to hell when they die.
You just might with your thoughts, but not with mine!
What do I mean by that?
If you could imagine heaven, as the clear space above your head right now, and hell as a place where you are nevfer given the chance to interact from that space.
Imagine your whole life, that your only ability to interact, was through a cell phone, with a bad connection.
Fighting through thought, your whole life, trying to get your message out, and regardless .
If by chance, you get a chance to get your message through thought to one person who might be able to hear you, who would it be?
How about Thomas A. Edison, during his time on this Earth?
If i was filling out references, that support my effort, then he would be one of them, because he did believe it was possible to communicate with the dead.
Who else, through out history, supports my option?
I will inform you in my next post!
Side bar: My wife can not stand to listen to me, when she is sick, because I bounce from this topic, to that, like it is nothing, and she has a hard time keeping up with me, during that time.
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
I will be back!s
Monday, August 31, 2009
Google search
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Please feel free to profile me anyway you would like, but my option is still right!
Regardless how you think about my option, the option is sound!
Sound on every level, that has to do with you.
Google search my option from any place on this Earth, and it is still right!
Some say that God does not make mistakes, but the math is not there, if we are the image of God.
We all know that it is normal to make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them, regardless if you can comperhind the importance, at that time.
My option is one of those type of times!
My option depends on humans to help out the dead!
Yes, that is right, regardless what you might think. Afterlife orbs can not build BrainGate type of machines.
They need your help!
They do make thought, and thought can now be measured.
Am I wrong to provide you with a better option than you can understand now?
I believe the time is right!
Get this economy moving again, by putting me to work!
Allow me the chance!
What would it hurt?
Please feel free to hold me accountable.
I'm ready!
Are you?
Do you have a better plan for eternal love, than the option I am providing?
Anybody curious, just in case I am right!
All thoughts lead my way, at some point in your life!
Some might be the grim reaper in suggestion, but not I!
I give you a free afterlife communication back up plan!
Who is ready to sign up?
Would you like a free ticket?
Would you like a easy job, that pays lots of money?
Would you like to have more time, and more money, at the same time?
I'm giving you everything but the kitchen sink!
This truly has to be a good deal for the both of us!
The scope of everything that will change, as a result of my option, is really quite simple!
It is time to raise the American flag for my option!
Give afterlife Orbs rights!
It is time to stretch, and grow!
For God sake, who is waiting as well, for his chance, to use this type of device as well, must first wait on our one mistake!
They use to call Cleaveland, the mistake by the lake, but when it comes to my option, it covers the whole planet.
Don't buy into old belief's, break free to make decissions on your own. What ever you are waiting on, well, it is here!
Dayton, Ohio takes avaition to all new heights!
I understand that you are busy, and flighting on my option is easy, but is it really, if I am right, and you would like to use my service some time.
I can not do it alone from the afterlife.
Who could!
There is so much information in this topic, if you are one of those people, or knows those type of people, that are into this type of stuff, then please inform them about this option.
Most people I come across, just wants to know where they have to go, to sign up.
I say go to Clark Howard!
If you are interested in my option, then by all means, ask radio talk host Clark Howard, if I am a good investment or not, for people like you.
Am i a good investment for our economy?
Am I a good investment for our security?
Am I a good investment for just about everything!
Please, by all means ask him!
Do it, before I do!
Let him know I am comming!
Should he be worried?
Not by me!
What about you?
What about Clark Howard?
How clean is his closet?
Is it better than Ted Kennedy?
I would imagine most people's closet are better than Ted Kennedy's.
What is the down side to my option?
Sure it is different, but we really do need this different.
We really do!
What would it hurt again, and again, until we all get along, in one way, or another.
Why can't we all just enjoy the ride?
What would it hurt?
I change thought, do you?
At some point in your life, you have to take a moment, and compare your experience, with my option.
Let's role play that option:
"""""""What if Tim Brewer is right, deadly right?;;;;;;;;;;;I do not know when my time will come, but I am getting older every second, and it does make you think about getting old, and dying. First it was health care, and then it is this afterlife communication option. I know most of the time, it is nothing to blow off his option, but in reality, I would imagine, we really do need to bring awareness to it, in one way or another. Tim Brewer is willing to sacerfise his normal lifestyle, to finding the truth, are you?
Are you willing to support him in this effort?
I think we should.
He's right, what would it hurt?
As good as Dr. Martin Luther King was in his dream, did not go into detail, with afterlife communication options.
Yes, the dream goes beyond his expectations at the time, but that is where we are now at, as a society, so by still trying to imagine that I am debating this Tim Brewer guy, it is quite simple to see, that there is a lot of different paradigms for this option, and that in it self, will help the economy alone.
What is the first thing will happen, after we communicate with the dead?
Your life span just got bigger!
This one fact, will give you more value, and the world as well.
Yes, there is another side, but to do it right, we have to focus on it, in ways that can only be done, with machines like BrainGate.
Am i crazy?
Crazy for what?
Making your world a better place?
I'm the best thing, you could ever hope for!
Don't believe me, then prove me wrong.
Now if by chance, you have to try real hard to prove me wrong, then why waste the time, when i could prove me right today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is something to be proud of!!!
Please feel free to contact Allen Hunt, and see if he sees anything wrong with my option.
Please feel free to inform 700WLW,,.. CNN, HLN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX REport, fox channel, glenn
Beck, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, Donald trump, Patrick swayze, or anybody you would like.
Look around, I am here.
You are here, and there is a good chance, that we will be around for a long time.
What to pack?
At this time in history, braingate is not for sell.
We need to sell it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sell BrainGate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!Call MTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask Stephen Hawkins what he thinks of machines like BrainGate!
So many questions, and no media to be found!
Music time!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you,
but until you take the time,
to make up tim's mind,
no diamonds for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I am right, and I truly bave not figured it out your self by now, then we should explore my option, not because I got a book comming out, because I don't, b ut the fact that there is a lot of facts, that head toward my truman world, of interacting with afterlife orbs.
We live in a bubble now, where science don't rule out my option, and 60% of you believe that there is some type of afterlife.
So regardless what direction I ramble, as i try, and keep some type of entertainment in the topic, but for some reason, even though that percentage of support for afterlife possibilities, have never been explored, like I am informing you about, right now.
This option, is supported by you, then it will be supported everybody else as well.
80% would easily be a number one answer for family fued.
If you believe it is there, then we need to support it!
There is nothing to it, or is there?
I know my near death out of body experience was real.
I know that!
What would change that, after I die?
You are inside to a I-Max option, that is second to no other experience.
No amusement park could ever build a machine that could do it justice.
Believe it or not, but afterlife orbs have needs.
These needs will fix the world economy.
Think of afterlife orbs like customers.
I know the afterlife orbs would like the chance to treat you like customers as well, or even family, if you are up for that.
Are you up, like the blind man, who died, and got a chance, as an afterlife orb, to see his son play sports for the first time.
Please, allow afterlife their follow through!
If it is true of pie, that what comes around, goes around, then it would only make sense to include my optiom in the string theory of everything.
I ask again, what would it hurt?????????????????????????????????
I get so bored, how about you?
Please feel free to profile me anyway you would like, but my option is still right!
Regardless how you think about my option, the option is sound!
Sound on every level, that has to do with you.
Google search my option from any place on this Earth, and it is still right!
Some say that God does not make mistakes, but the math is not there, if we are the image of God.
We all know that it is normal to make mistakes, but the key is to learn from them, regardless if you can comperhind the importance, at that time.
My option is one of those type of times!
My option depends on humans to help out the dead!
Yes, that is right, regardless what you might think. Afterlife orbs can not build BrainGate type of machines.
They need your help!
They do make thought, and thought can now be measured.
Am I wrong to provide you with a better option than you can understand now?
I believe the time is right!
Get this economy moving again, by putting me to work!
Allow me the chance!
What would it hurt?
Please feel free to hold me accountable.
I'm ready!
Are you?
Do you have a better plan for eternal love, than the option I am providing?
Anybody curious, just in case I am right!
All thoughts lead my way, at some point in your life!
Some might be the grim reaper in suggestion, but not I!
I give you a free afterlife communication back up plan!
Who is ready to sign up?
Would you like a free ticket?
Would you like a easy job, that pays lots of money?
Would you like to have more time, and more money, at the same time?
I'm giving you everything but the kitchen sink!
This truly has to be a good deal for the both of us!
The scope of everything that will change, as a result of my option, is really quite simple!
It is time to raise the American flag for my option!
Give afterlife Orbs rights!
It is time to stretch, and grow!
For God sake, who is waiting as well, for his chance, to use this type of device as well, must first wait on our one mistake!
They use to call Cleaveland, the mistake by the lake, but when it comes to my option, it covers the whole planet.
Don't buy into old belief's, break free to make decissions on your own. What ever you are waiting on, well, it is here!
Dayton, Ohio takes avaition to all new heights!
I understand that you are busy, and flighting on my option is easy, but is it really, if I am right, and you would like to use my service some time.
I can not do it alone from the afterlife.
Who could!
There is so much information in this topic, if you are one of those people, or knows those type of people, that are into this type of stuff, then please inform them about this option.
Most people I come across, just wants to know where they have to go, to sign up.
I say go to Clark Howard!
If you are interested in my option, then by all means, ask radio talk host Clark Howard, if I am a good investment or not, for people like you.
Am i a good investment for our economy?
Am I a good investment for our security?
Am I a good investment for just about everything!
Please, by all means ask him!
Do it, before I do!
Let him know I am comming!
Should he be worried?
Not by me!
What about you?
What about Clark Howard?
How clean is his closet?
Is it better than Ted Kennedy?
I would imagine most people's closet are better than Ted Kennedy's.
What is the down side to my option?
Sure it is different, but we really do need this different.
We really do!
What would it hurt again, and again, until we all get along, in one way, or another.
Why can't we all just enjoy the ride?
What would it hurt?
I change thought, do you?
At some point in your life, you have to take a moment, and compare your experience, with my option.
Let's role play that option:
"""""""What if Tim Brewer is right, deadly right?;;;;;;;;;;;I do not know when my time will come, but I am getting older every second, and it does make you think about getting old, and dying. First it was health care, and then it is this afterlife communication option. I know most of the time, it is nothing to blow off his option, but in reality, I would imagine, we really do need to bring awareness to it, in one way or another. Tim Brewer is willing to sacerfise his normal lifestyle, to finding the truth, are you?
Are you willing to support him in this effort?
I think we should.
He's right, what would it hurt?
As good as Dr. Martin Luther King was in his dream, did not go into detail, with afterlife communication options.
Yes, the dream goes beyond his expectations at the time, but that is where we are now at, as a society, so by still trying to imagine that I am debating this Tim Brewer guy, it is quite simple to see, that there is a lot of different paradigms for this option, and that in it self, will help the economy alone.
What is the first thing will happen, after we communicate with the dead?
Your life span just got bigger!
This one fact, will give you more value, and the world as well.
Yes, there is another side, but to do it right, we have to focus on it, in ways that can only be done, with machines like BrainGate.
Am i crazy?
Crazy for what?
Making your world a better place?
I'm the best thing, you could ever hope for!
Don't believe me, then prove me wrong.
Now if by chance, you have to try real hard to prove me wrong, then why waste the time, when i could prove me right today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is something to be proud of!!!
Please feel free to contact Allen Hunt, and see if he sees anything wrong with my option.
Please feel free to inform 700WLW,,.. CNN, HLN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX REport, fox channel, glenn
Beck, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, Donald trump, Patrick swayze, or anybody you would like.
Look around, I am here.
You are here, and there is a good chance, that we will be around for a long time.
What to pack?
At this time in history, braingate is not for sell.
We need to sell it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sell BrainGate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!Call MTV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my BrainGate machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask Stephen Hawkins what he thinks of machines like BrainGate!
So many questions, and no media to be found!
Music time!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you!
I'm am ruff, and I am all around you,
but until you take the time,
to make up tim's mind,
no diamonds for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I am right, and I truly bave not figured it out your self by now, then we should explore my option, not because I got a book comming out, because I don't, b ut the fact that there is a lot of facts, that head toward my truman world, of interacting with afterlife orbs.
We live in a bubble now, where science don't rule out my option, and 60% of you believe that there is some type of afterlife.
So regardless what direction I ramble, as i try, and keep some type of entertainment in the topic, but for some reason, even though that percentage of support for afterlife possibilities, have never been explored, like I am informing you about, right now.
This option, is supported by you, then it will be supported everybody else as well.
80% would easily be a number one answer for family fued.
If you believe it is there, then we need to support it!
There is nothing to it, or is there?
I know my near death out of body experience was real.
I know that!
What would change that, after I die?
You are inside to a I-Max option, that is second to no other experience.
No amusement park could ever build a machine that could do it justice.
Believe it or not, but afterlife orbs have needs.
These needs will fix the world economy.
Think of afterlife orbs like customers.
I know the afterlife orbs would like the chance to treat you like customers as well, or even family, if you are up for that.
Are you up, like the blind man, who died, and got a chance, as an afterlife orb, to see his son play sports for the first time.
Please, allow afterlife their follow through!
If it is true of pie, that what comes around, goes around, then it would only make sense to include my optiom in the string theory of everything.
I ask again, what would it hurt?????????????????????????????????
I get so bored, how about you?
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
Invisible energy touches everything.
It touches the aura around you.
It touches your vision.
It touches your movement.
It touches you from the outside in.
Only you can touch it from the inside out.
Regardless how old you are, or how old you get. Your inner energy never feels old.
Think about this for a moment.
If I died today, then my inner thoughts were not able to keep me out of pain, and into pleasure.
It would seam that this would be the case, but it is not.
Your inner thoughts take you out of your human pain body, and places you in clear space.
650 million people will have a near death experience at some point in their life.
It will come unexpected everytime to that person, but the action plan will be carried out by their inner thoughts, preparing to take them out of pain, and into pleasure.
Sure being an afterlife Orb, is different than being a human, but it is still real just the same.
I wonder if Senator Ted Kennedy would support my free afterlife communication option now?
I understand why he would not want it while he was alive, but what about now?
How many different icons must go to afterlife orb heaven, before we try my free afterlife communication option?
Energy can not be destroyed!
You live in energy!
You would not last one day on your own, taking care of your body with out your inner thoughts.
Your inner energy covers it all, and depending on how you understand it, can make all the difference in the world.
Government believes it is in your best interest to be controlled.
I believe before you become a Government, you need to grow!
They expect the worst, and we do it!
I welcome the chance to interact with Allen Hunt.
As far as I know, my option is not hollow.
I speak what is right, and I also speak how we are doing it all wrong.
I provide you a chance to interact with your founding fathers, in a way that can be measured.
What is right about my option, is the fact that it is natural.
It will be natural for people to take the calls of the afterlife people, and the call centers will need a lot of people, depending on when you want to do the second tear of this option.
Some say, where do I sign up, and why not?
There is no magic, smoke, or tainted mirrors.
This option has nothing to do with me.
I provide my plan, and it is very easy to do.
How easy?
We could do it today!
Like it or not, but one of the worlds greatest talk show host, Larry King is not getting any younger.
Paul Harvey needs a chance to tell us the rest of the story!
Sure you are lead to believe that we harnest energy, and everything possible, has alreadey been invented, and yes this option is no different.
One of the worlds greatest inventors believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
That statement from him, takes this option out of my hands, when it comes to credibility.
Regardless what you think of me, at any given time in your life. I am a at will!
I offer my afterlife planner services, at will!
I take full responsibility for my action, that are based on my inner thoughts, taking me out of pain, and into pleasure.
Learning to say "no" to a lot of different things pleasurable things, to help this topic grow.
Why not let this topic grow?
I believe it will be in our best interest, based on internal thoughts, that are associated with this option to begin with.
We can drag out this option as long as you like, based on what ever you have hidden in your closet, but buiding a foundation for this option now, is really in our best interest later, or now!
It's now time for God, if you are willing to believe, that there is one.
Do you believe he is set in his ways, or he has mellowed out over time?
My name is Tim Brewer, and I have opened this door, to this option in my thoughts.
My option is in our nations best interest, home, and abroad.
It ends wars!
It ends conflicts!
It ends drama!
Not all of it, but the kind of stuff that hurts humans.
I can continue to type a message about this option, as long as you like, but for you to enjoy this option, regardless the big picture politics, is a good deal, for all parties concern.
..."If anything, do it for Senator Ted Kennedy"..
Do it for Michael Jackson!
Do it for the average 250,000 that die everyday on average.
I offer my life for this cause, and I truly believe it is a good one.
Once again, from the heartland of Ohio!
I'm sorry that I am not the best at explaining this option yet, but I was hoping that the Allen Hunt show could add me on, and give me a chance to interact with my new mentor, if he will have me. Allen Hunt, and we can move my option forward, in a way that can be measured better than the way I am doing it right now.
I am not right, or left with this option, it has never been about that, it is having an experience, in that experience, and informing you, about our highest percentage for reaching that goal, based on all types of facts, that leaves a window open, for my option.
Do not worry about the experiment it self, because that can all be explained, through a visual training class with me, as I walk you through it, during a hopeful field trip to Boston, Mass.
I understand that every section of my option, is hard to take in, but think of it this way.
I have the whole afterlife Orb afterlife on my shoulders, and they want to flip their magnetic field our direction, with our thoughts, and until we give them something to hope for, we all have nothing.
they say that 60% of what comes out of our mouth is negative, so our personal thoughts, must be at least 60% negative.
It must be us, and not our inner thoughts, because if we cut our self, our inner thoughts, fix the whole problem, from all directions, and covers it up, almost as good as the invisible force, that is all around you.
I do not make this stuff up!
Thank goodness, that afterlife orbs are not very heavy.
I have no problem being a spokes person for them, but why not interact with them as well?
Why bring me into something, that I do not want to be a part.
I do not want to be a medium Lisa Williams.
I try and make it a point not to be negative, but I can do it, as natural as anybody else, if conditions are right.
I swing positive, b ecause that is what your internal thoughts do!
Am I a perfect positive?
No, never claimed to be.
I am learning through life, like everybody else, regardless what they can comperhind, at this time.
I bring attention to my self, because it is in the best interest for you!
We do not have to start my option for so many years, allowing you the chance to go to your percieved afterlife option, but also giving you the chance, when we do decide to make it global.
Planes, trains, automobiles, and afterlife communication option from Tim Brewer
Please inform everybody you come into contact about me, as I wait for Allen Hunt reply.
I'm sorry that I have not posted that much lately, but I have been analyzing Keno, and Ohio Ten O'h
I love to analyze, and I do not like to be bored.
I would imagine, if i do not like, or like anything, that there are others, just like me, and if I a right, about my option, then your life will be better!
For better, or for worst, through out eterinity.
I did not go to harvard, or Hale, I was the kid in first grade, who raised his hand first, with every answer, until I got bored.
I'm a nerd, when I need to be a nerd, and I am natural, when I need to be natural.
I have trained my crew to run my fast food location, when you are ready to find out more about me.
I had no control coming into this world, and I will have no control leaving it, any different than when I had my near death experience.
If everything happens for a reason, then you need to explore my information.
Please feel free to inform Allen Hunt about me, and get the run down, from an expert in that field.
My option is good for any religion.
The big brother who gets this option first, will decide your fate.
Hide as long as you like, but you have been warned!
The year 2012 is gettin closer everyday, and my option is the best for the media worst case senario for that year.
Imagine with your 60% negative thoughts, the worst case scenario for the year 2012, and my option will be better!
Regardless what you perceive to be good, and my option is better!
In the big picture of educated communication, we all years behind to afterlife communication.
Astottle, only had educated afterlife, for his time, for where he was at, at that time.
The afterlife we have floating around us now, was all over that image on the front of Time Magazine, for person of the year!
Some feel I provide faith, and at times i do, but in the big picture, my option is a constance!
Regardless what direction you take iot, based on what you percieve, and my option is all over it!
This simple to do experiment, is doing the right thing!
It is right for America!
It is right thing to do.
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore your self?
You are better than that, regardless where you are at!
Some feel bad, because they had an abortion.
I will be the first to say, that this option should only happen rarely, for what ever reason that might be, but in the big picture, everything worked out as good as could be expected, for that time in your life, with what you had to work with.
Am I George Burns, from "Oh God"?
Imagine what ever you can comperhind, but i must blunt, to save time with this information, and I try, and stretch my thoughts, with this option, when it comes to get you acting on this option.
I find it hard to believe, that I am alone on this free, no ob ligation, safe, as can be expected, for the situation.
Am I the only one who sees the right way justice, of allowing afterlife orbs the chance to communicate, just like you enjoy doing everyday, regardless if you gave your internal thoughts, the time of day.
As Senator Ted Kennidy would say
"There is nothing to it!"
"I offer something to it!"
Tim Brewer
Townhall time again!!!
I really find it hard to believe, that I am the only person, wh
Invisible energy touches everything.
It touches the aura around you.
It touches your vision.
It touches your movement.
It touches you from the outside in.
Only you can touch it from the inside out.
Regardless how old you are, or how old you get. Your inner energy never feels old.
Think about this for a moment.
If I died today, then my inner thoughts were not able to keep me out of pain, and into pleasure.
It would seam that this would be the case, but it is not.
Your inner thoughts take you out of your human pain body, and places you in clear space.
650 million people will have a near death experience at some point in their life.
It will come unexpected everytime to that person, but the action plan will be carried out by their inner thoughts, preparing to take them out of pain, and into pleasure.
Sure being an afterlife Orb, is different than being a human, but it is still real just the same.
I wonder if Senator Ted Kennedy would support my free afterlife communication option now?
I understand why he would not want it while he was alive, but what about now?
How many different icons must go to afterlife orb heaven, before we try my free afterlife communication option?
Energy can not be destroyed!
You live in energy!
You would not last one day on your own, taking care of your body with out your inner thoughts.
Your inner energy covers it all, and depending on how you understand it, can make all the difference in the world.
Government believes it is in your best interest to be controlled.
I believe before you become a Government, you need to grow!
They expect the worst, and we do it!
I welcome the chance to interact with Allen Hunt.
As far as I know, my option is not hollow.
I speak what is right, and I also speak how we are doing it all wrong.
I provide you a chance to interact with your founding fathers, in a way that can be measured.
What is right about my option, is the fact that it is natural.
It will be natural for people to take the calls of the afterlife people, and the call centers will need a lot of people, depending on when you want to do the second tear of this option.
Some say, where do I sign up, and why not?
There is no magic, smoke, or tainted mirrors.
This option has nothing to do with me.
I provide my plan, and it is very easy to do.
How easy?
We could do it today!
Like it or not, but one of the worlds greatest talk show host, Larry King is not getting any younger.
Paul Harvey needs a chance to tell us the rest of the story!
Sure you are lead to believe that we harnest energy, and everything possible, has alreadey been invented, and yes this option is no different.
One of the worlds greatest inventors believed it was possible to communicate with the dead.
That statement from him, takes this option out of my hands, when it comes to credibility.
Regardless what you think of me, at any given time in your life. I am a at will!
I offer my afterlife planner services, at will!
I take full responsibility for my action, that are based on my inner thoughts, taking me out of pain, and into pleasure.
Learning to say "no" to a lot of different things pleasurable things, to help this topic grow.
Why not let this topic grow?
I believe it will be in our best interest, based on internal thoughts, that are associated with this option to begin with.
We can drag out this option as long as you like, based on what ever you have hidden in your closet, but buiding a foundation for this option now, is really in our best interest later, or now!
It's now time for God, if you are willing to believe, that there is one.
Do you believe he is set in his ways, or he has mellowed out over time?
My name is Tim Brewer, and I have opened this door, to this option in my thoughts.
My option is in our nations best interest, home, and abroad.
It ends wars!
It ends conflicts!
It ends drama!
Not all of it, but the kind of stuff that hurts humans.
I can continue to type a message about this option, as long as you like, but for you to enjoy this option, regardless the big picture politics, is a good deal, for all parties concern.
..."If anything, do it for Senator Ted Kennedy"..
Do it for Michael Jackson!
Do it for the average 250,000 that die everyday on average.
I offer my life for this cause, and I truly believe it is a good one.
Once again, from the heartland of Ohio!
I'm sorry that I am not the best at explaining this option yet, but I was hoping that the Allen Hunt show could add me on, and give me a chance to interact with my new mentor, if he will have me. Allen Hunt, and we can move my option forward, in a way that can be measured better than the way I am doing it right now.
I am not right, or left with this option, it has never been about that, it is having an experience, in that experience, and informing you, about our highest percentage for reaching that goal, based on all types of facts, that leaves a window open, for my option.
Do not worry about the experiment it self, because that can all be explained, through a visual training class with me, as I walk you through it, during a hopeful field trip to Boston, Mass.
I understand that every section of my option, is hard to take in, but think of it this way.
I have the whole afterlife Orb afterlife on my shoulders, and they want to flip their magnetic field our direction, with our thoughts, and until we give them something to hope for, we all have nothing.
they say that 60% of what comes out of our mouth is negative, so our personal thoughts, must be at least 60% negative.
It must be us, and not our inner thoughts, because if we cut our self, our inner thoughts, fix the whole problem, from all directions, and covers it up, almost as good as the invisible force, that is all around you.
I do not make this stuff up!
Thank goodness, that afterlife orbs are not very heavy.
I have no problem being a spokes person for them, but why not interact with them as well?
Why bring me into something, that I do not want to be a part.
I do not want to be a medium Lisa Williams.
I try and make it a point not to be negative, but I can do it, as natural as anybody else, if conditions are right.
I swing positive, b ecause that is what your internal thoughts do!
Am I a perfect positive?
No, never claimed to be.
I am learning through life, like everybody else, regardless what they can comperhind, at this time.
I bring attention to my self, because it is in the best interest for you!
We do not have to start my option for so many years, allowing you the chance to go to your percieved afterlife option, but also giving you the chance, when we do decide to make it global.
Planes, trains, automobiles, and afterlife communication option from Tim Brewer
Please inform everybody you come into contact about me, as I wait for Allen Hunt reply.
I'm sorry that I have not posted that much lately, but I have been analyzing Keno, and Ohio Ten O'h
I love to analyze, and I do not like to be bored.
I would imagine, if i do not like, or like anything, that there are others, just like me, and if I a right, about my option, then your life will be better!
For better, or for worst, through out eterinity.
I did not go to harvard, or Hale, I was the kid in first grade, who raised his hand first, with every answer, until I got bored.
I'm a nerd, when I need to be a nerd, and I am natural, when I need to be natural.
I have trained my crew to run my fast food location, when you are ready to find out more about me.
I had no control coming into this world, and I will have no control leaving it, any different than when I had my near death experience.
If everything happens for a reason, then you need to explore my information.
Please feel free to inform Allen Hunt about me, and get the run down, from an expert in that field.
My option is good for any religion.
The big brother who gets this option first, will decide your fate.
Hide as long as you like, but you have been warned!
The year 2012 is gettin closer everyday, and my option is the best for the media worst case senario for that year.
Imagine with your 60% negative thoughts, the worst case scenario for the year 2012, and my option will be better!
Regardless what you perceive to be good, and my option is better!
In the big picture of educated communication, we all years behind to afterlife communication.
Astottle, only had educated afterlife, for his time, for where he was at, at that time.
The afterlife we have floating around us now, was all over that image on the front of Time Magazine, for person of the year!
Some feel I provide faith, and at times i do, but in the big picture, my option is a constance!
Regardless what direction you take iot, based on what you percieve, and my option is all over it!
This simple to do experiment, is doing the right thing!
It is right for America!
It is right thing to do.
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore the afterlife orb?
Why ignore your self?
You are better than that, regardless where you are at!
Some feel bad, because they had an abortion.
I will be the first to say, that this option should only happen rarely, for what ever reason that might be, but in the big picture, everything worked out as good as could be expected, for that time in your life, with what you had to work with.
Am I George Burns, from "Oh God"?
Imagine what ever you can comperhind, but i must blunt, to save time with this information, and I try, and stretch my thoughts, with this option, when it comes to get you acting on this option.
I find it hard to believe, that I am alone on this free, no ob ligation, safe, as can be expected, for the situation.
Am I the only one who sees the right way justice, of allowing afterlife orbs the chance to communicate, just like you enjoy doing everyday, regardless if you gave your internal thoughts, the time of day.
As Senator Ted Kennidy would say
"There is nothing to it!"
"I offer something to it!"
Tim Brewer
Townhall time again!!!
I really find it hard to believe, that I am the only person, wh
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