Friday, November 6, 2009

Birth, Life, Death, and Afterlife Orbs !

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own. Death of the human body, but not the energy Orb. Energy can not be destroyed! You are a human being in energy! Everyday, some place on this planet, some body is having a near death out of body experience. It could be any of us, if the conditions are right. I have been in that situation, and the math points that this would be the same type of situation you would face in the afterlife. Floating around, watching everything, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking.............. 100% of every person that has ever had a near death out of body experience, thinks during the experience. What do death, and near death experiences, have most in common? You have no control, when it happens! Your internal thoughts, always take you out of pain, and into pleasure, and they show that 100%, when you are floating up by the ceiling, with out a pain pain in the world, except for your emotions. Only you have control of them. My emotions lead me to believe, that it is in your best interest, to want to communicate with afterlife orbs! Why? Because it is a good deal for you! Why? It's safe to do! There is no obligation on your part, but you know it is there, if you ever want to check it out! It's Free to check out! It's free to do! Who do we have to see, so we can make this option happen? President Obama! What a better way, for him to earn his Nobel Peace Prise, than with this option. Lincoln freed the slaves, and Obama frees the afterlife Orbs! Now that would be something to be proud of! History would show, that President Obama broke parties, and Union lines, and done the right thing! I have no doubt, that he would feel good after doing it. You always feel better after you do the right thing, and this option is one of those types of things! What would it hurt President Obama, polls numbers, if he did this? 80% of Americans believe that there is some type of afterlife. Those are Sarah Palin type of numbers, and I have no doubt, that she would welcome an option like this! Anything else, is just another President Obama, Health care, Death Panel! What else could it be? If for some reason, this is not an image below, please explain to me how it could be in the future! [img][/img If President Obama is watching us, and he has this real good team, working for hi, then he should be quite aware of my option by now, and for him not to try my option, only hurts him, with his Legacy, through out life, because History would show, if he did not take advantage of my option now, that he made a mistake. Like it, or not Mr. President, but I am a clue! A History clue, when talk, turns into action, and this action turns around the economy, the deficit, your problem with the wars, and everything else! I am, the real deal clue, for you, but to ignore me, only hurts you in the long run! I would imagine, the Press could have a field day, with this new information! "President Obama, is one up on President Lincoln, when it comes to freeing people, or does he ignore it, and be carrying around the Nobel Peace Prise, with nothing to show for it!" If he don't do it, Fox news will be all over it, and if he does do it, then he might be our President forever! What a thought! President Obama, our last President, going into the media worst case scenario, for the year 2012! Before that happens, free the afterlife Orbs, by supporting them in value! Orb value would fix our economy! Orb value would protect our kids! Orb value would end both wars! Orb Value would fix Health care! Orb value, would raise your value as well, and you would actually have time, and money, based on it. Orb value would fix Wall street! Orb value would fix abortions! Orb value, is only as good as you want it to be. You want nothing, and that is what we got, going into the media worst case scenario for 2012! I can not say enough, that I am a clue, regardless what scavenger hunt you are on! I get my information from a reliable source, my inner thoughts. The same thoughts, that took me against my will, to a near death out of body experience, and is the same inner thoughts, that believe it is in our best interest, to use Brain Gate, as Edison would, if he had the support, he should of got, when he believed it was possible, to communicate with the dead! I believe it would be welcomed, if we decided to explore my experiment more! Please feel free, to allow me the chance, to show you what I got some time! Here comes my favorite question again. What would it hurt? News wire Phone scrip, if you are interested! "Near death experience man, claims he knows how we can communicate with afterlife Orbs, in a way that can be measured for free!" Read all about it! How do I go about getting a meeting with President Obama? What do I have to do, to qualify, to see the President? Everything I have come in contact with, when it comes to politics, is money! Why do they need that money so bad? I'm running my campaign free! How must advertising do I have to do? You know where I am usually at, by searching me on Google, or one of the other search engine, and here I am. I do not charge a fee, to interact with you here! Regardless where I go, I can always find a computer some place, to interact with you! Even if we are in the afterlife, this option will be there! Good communication. Every Orb, human, or not, should have the chance to communicate. Regardless if you can comprehend it, or not, some can, and with a price tag of zero, who else should sponsor this free event, better than coke zero! As bad as their sells have been, you would think they would be all over this, and maybe they are, because History only happens once, and everything after that is so dis organized, you would not believe it, if i told you! The right hand, and the left hand, is so far out, on so many issues, that this is the only option that helps fix it all! How many after life Orbs need to inform you, that you should quit smoking, before you will quit? How many afterlife Orbs must die, before I am given the time of day, to speak on their behalf, based on all my new information, about this topic! Why are we more worried about finding fish, than we are afterlife Orbs? They got some real fancy machines! What is different, with what they are doing, than what I am trying to do? Their machine gives them value, and they act on that value! It's not like the fish usually jump out of the water, and say, look, I am over here! Hook me if you can! What do you take me for, a sucker! Thomas A. Edison tried 10,000 times, before he made a better light bulb. Now others have come along, with even a better light bulb. What a bright idea! People like me coming along, who happen to know a little more, than one plus one! I just happen to have enough experience, in the field of science that I am in, that I would qualify as an expert! I came to the Internet early on, to find anybody quick, that my option is not possible, but I have not found that person yet! Either prove me wrong, or help this option on, because if President Obama can not decide to do with his two wars, then he don't have a wing, and a prayer, with my option, and it is only going to be a matter of time, before somebody like Fox News, is going to jump all over this option! Talk about your ratings going through the roof! With 2012 almost upon us, how crazy can it get? People need to know, that we are exploring all avenues, and sure this option is about as weird as it gets, but it is still an option. Only in America, can somebody like me, be free to inform you about my invisible thoughts, like I am doing right now. Afterlife Orbs are free, and they are free to think, what ever they would like to think, and one thing they have been thinking about, is informing us, that they would like the chance to interact with us. what would it hurt, if they behaved, or not? They believe some of you on Bridezilla, behave worst than afterlife orbs! Not zombies, Orbs! Not nuts, but Orbs! Not crazy, but Orbs! Etc., but Obs! Orb right established by President Obama, based on his future legacy, with his private library, and all that other stuff he will have, like that meteorite, that he caught with his left hand, in the year 2012. So some time I exaggerate, I'm just a guy, who is allowing his inner thoughts, to take him out of pain, and into pleasure, with this option! I guess you would call me right now, a zar! Orb Zar! I can see it now, President Obama Orb Zar! Timing is everything! I would imagine the toy stores would love to have a fluffy Orb doll by Christmas! That could be the number one seller this Christmas, if any toy maker is listening! I could go on, and on, and I love people to ask lot's of questions, because that is what I am here for. Believe it, or not media, but if I was on Oprah, I would not jump on her couch! I will also be including all of you in my will, that I do want the chance to communicate back with you, and I am holding all of you responsible, for making that happen! If the conditions are right, and tools are ready, then there is only a upside to this option. Why? Because we can decide where we can meet, after I am an afterlife Orb, but do you know where your afterlife light will be, or even worst, the other place, and how do you get to it? Is it three streets down on the right, or do you have to turn a curtain way, or sit through your life flashing in front of you, or what? Seams to me, my option is a lot easier. I believe it is as simple, as communicating with a Wal-Mart greater! After that as an afterlife Orb, the Internet is your new playground! I will be back, where imagination goes hand in hand with reality! Thomas A Edison drilled into 1% of this imagination, and look at all the things he was able to do with reality hard work, and yes we can do that with my imagination as well! I use to say, at one time, that I was no better than you, but I had a different experience. It still holds true! Regardless to the fact, that I have the best solution to the media worst case scenario for the year 2012; I am still not better than you. So i have come a long way, from my one plus one days, with my experience, and if everything happens for a reason, then I do qualify as a clue, based on the fact that you listen to me long enough, that you know it to be true, with your own inner thoughts, and that is why I have so many different people view my option, because they know it's possible, even science knows it's possible, and when the President, at the time of Edison, did not support afterlife communication, then neither did Edison anymore. He made it known, that he would not b build anything, if he did not believe he could sell it. I am not selling anything! I am informing you of an afterlife communication back up plan, just in case your plan don't work! Imagine for a moment, that you found your self in a near death experience, and it lasted for two days! What would you do? Who is your free Clark Howard expert in this field? Must be me! Should we cater to you, in that situation, or should we confirm you dead? What did you say, I can not hear you? It's time to stop thinking stupid, and support afterlife Orbs rights! They deserve it! How about all those afterlife Orbs, who fought for this country? Do they not have a say? What about our founding fathers, do they not have a say, in this situation i have given you. What would it hurt, to get the rest of the story from Paul Harvey? What would it hurt, to find out if a inner Orb like Michael Jackson, can be effected by all the drugs he took. What would it hurt to give Patrick Swayze one more chance? I could go on, but I am nobody, based on how the world operates, these days! I guess, since I am promoting my self, I am considered spam, at least when I am on a Forum, but I do not know about blogs, I would assume, even though I don't like using that word, because it is right up there with guess, or luck, but anyway, I assume a blog is a place where you can just post your thoughts, and inform about what ever you would like. Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own. Quick survey: Did I inform you of anything, that was not politically correct? What else can I do, to make you happy? What right direction, can we go next, to keep moving this option forward, based on the media worst case scenario for the year 2012! If you knew for sure, that the media was right, would you explore my option more? It's safe, there is no obligation, please do what ever makes you happy, but just in case, I mean just in case, everything turns out, just like it does, for near death experience people, then by all means, help support this option, because it does not discriminate, against anybody! This option crosses all parties line! My last thought of the day! Based on how long you could live as an afterlife orb, compared to the life span of a human, and everybody seams to be searching for something, that this option would fit the bill everywhere! Who would have better experience, than afterlife Orbs, based on their experience. Now some question, why I do not speak only of God, and not all these afterlife Orbs. All I can say, is try my experiment, and if God would like to be the first Orb to communicate this way, then please feel free to do it. I welcome any afterlife Orb, if you would like, but that depends on President Obama, as I said before. Sure I could go on, and on, in any form you would like, and sure I could fix your war problems, and so much more, with very little effort, and I know that sounded cocky, but it is fact, with no ego! Just fill me in on your problem ,and I will organize it to my option, in one way, or another. This option is that big! Now if there is not news in here for somebody, then I am one boring guy! Good night, catch me if you can! Tim Brewer, free campaign for 2012! Do I get equal time with the media? Maybe if I hang out at, Joe the plumber house. During this time in our life, when the people who are suppose to protect you, is hurting you, and everybody is more concerned with the nest show of Gossip Girl, it is no surprise, that my option might come as a shock to some, but it is still an option, just the same, and will continue to be... If I am crazy, for trying to make your life better, then I am guilty as charged! If that is what it must take, to decide if I am fit to do this experiment, or everything else I offer, then bring on Dr. Phil! I'm open for what ever I can do to speed this option up! What would it hurt, just in case everybody is usually right about something? Now that you lived long enough to read this, the ball is now in your coart Mr. President! Do you shoot, or do you think about it for a couple of weeks? Is your telpromter on a two week delay? Don't take it personal, during these tough times, just a question. All I do naturally is paint pictures that can be measured into reality! What would you rather see in the future. A better situation, or a worst one? I go for positive, how about you? Where is 60 Minutes, when you need them?

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